Thoughts on God: Reflections on Soul

House finches enjoy the nectar atop a seguaro cactus.

My recent post of The ‘Mechanics’ of Non-Physicalness and The ContinuuM Concept and Finding One’s Dream, both written in 1997, included thoughts and context about the soul that made sense to me. It wasn’t presented as the absolute final word for understanding what the soul is, and its relationship to you and me, but perhaps the beginning. Some of you already know and understand these things, but it seems to me that awareness of the soul’s meaning to each of us is not currently active for the majority of the population.

I say that because we still tend to be preoccupied with external factors — our nation, race, gender, body type, political affiliation, professional credentials, etc. — as determinants of our relevance, worth, and ability (or inability). In addition, our fear of death, and use of the threat of death as a tool of manipulation — by villains and “heroes” alike — indicates we’re not yet clear about who we are, in spite of thousands of years of religious doctrine that has been passed on for us to consider and choose from, or reject.

Yet, from this speculation, it made sense to me that all human beings have souls, and thusly, are interdimensional, whether they believe in the existence of God, or not. Atheistis have souls, yet they are free to believe there is no God. This is not a knock against atheists; they’re free to believe or disbelieve anything they want. They are equally capable of being loving individuals as anyone else. Heck, many religious types who claim to be so close to God as to have “secret handshake status”, are anything but loving in their beliefs, or the examples that they set for their “flock.” Indeed, death, or shall I say, the fear of death, is their friend, for it helps keep them in power.

But as often happens, I digress.

I am currently coming to the end of the sixth Kryon book, Partnering with God (The Kryon Writings ISBN 1-888053-10-0 $14.00), channeled by Lee Carroll. Lo and behold, right after posting these two essays, I arrive at the following answer to a question posed to Kryon (p. 308) about the soul! This is part of Kyon’s reply.

Your humanness is temporary. Your soul is the “real” you. It resides in several places at the same time. One piece iswithin each cell of your body. Another is an energy “stamp” on the magnetics of the planet itself that indicates that you are here. Another part, which you call the Higher Self, is on the other side of the veil, creating solutions for our incarnations here, and responding to your enlightened, changing path with new planning sessions for your contracts.

Did you know that you were interdimensional? Can you understand that you are in several places at once? In a time frame where your mind is “stuck” in a linear framework, can you understand the loop of real, spiritual time? What if I told you that your soul has the ability to share a human body with others (see walk-ins)? Only in your dreams and visions do you ever come close to the actual reality of existence.

Know this: Your soul is the blooming flower in the garden of the Universe. It is eternal and knows everything I know. It is far larger than you can ever realize [while in physical embodiment]. It survives in several places at once and many time frames at once. It is family. It is LOVE.

Now you know all about it.

This description resonates perfectly with what I wrote 10 years ago. And, interestingly enough, even though I only learned of Kryon a couple of months ago, the copyright year of Partnering with God is 1997!

Please note that at the end, Kryon refers to the soul as LOVE. Then, please note the other synonym for LOVE, i.e., God.

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