A Priceless Course in Cosmic Consciousness

At this moment I am working my way through A Course in Cosmic Consciousness, by Walter and Lao Russell. Originally published in 1950, and revised to its current form in 2001, the Course is comprised of 12 Units with 48 lessons, and is spread over 520 pages. I highly recommend this extraordinary treatise. If ever there were a publication that could help…

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What Makes a Race 'Advanced'?

I used to think that having the knowledge and technology to travel through the heavens would mean that we had become a “more advanced” humanity than we have been, or are today. However, with our present set of customs and norms, it is reasonable to question if the words “intelligent” or “advanced,” with respect to humanity, apply at all. Some may hold the view that some members of…

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Vaccine Politics, Indigos and Normal Sensory Perception

A Unseen Agenda Exposed I would like to pose a very rational question. It’s so rational, it’s a wonder why mainstream medicine, government policy makers, or functionaries in the education system haven’t asked it. It’s so very, very rational that, in their not asking and seriously considering this question, you have to wonder whether their actions, and the effects that we, The People, are witnessing…

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Reflections on "I Am My Body, NOT!"

As this holiday season progresses, I’d like to be signing and shipping hundreds of copies of I Am My Body, NOT! Each day I see, regretfully, the effects of the thoughts that it presents not being part of our social psyche. We may be what we eat, but even more so, we are what we think. And what we think about ourselves,…

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Welcome to ‘The Door’… Are You Ready to Enter?

Wherever I go, books are a constant companion. Over the past few years, I’ve read many titles that have contributed to my own evolving self-view. I cannot, however, recall a single title that moved me, not only to recommend it, but to sit down and read it while recording, and then share it with anyone who cares about self-discovery. The…

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Newtown Massacre: Issues Unexamined Always Lead to Questions Unasked

I write these words today while in the process of undergoing a fundamental change in my thinking, with an ever-deepening appreciation for the wonderful and powerful Gift that we have been given, that is, the Gift of Life itself. Life, which in truth, has no antithesis. Instead, Life takes an infinite number of forms. Everything is Life. Even the phenomenon…

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Two Videos for Self-Empowerment and Awareness

Only time will tell who will find this information useful, and when, but I am moved to speak more, through video. A few days ago I drove to an area not far from my home, looking for a place to talk about a few things. The two videos below are the result. Taking Ownership of the Gift Whether we’re talking…

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Memorial Day Remembrances: Where’s the Growth?

It’s Memorial Day in America, a time set aside to remember the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. However, occasions like these are more often used to reinforce social misconceptions and dysfunction than provide understandings that we can grow from. News reports will feature stories of our troops in foreign lands who are…

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The Inner Universe: ‘Most Relevant Frontier’

While we focus our attentions here on the inner world, much is going on in the world around us involving subjects that are of great interest and importance. Yet, as much as I’d love to call your attention to these subjects, such as the “reboot” of the financial system with its associated resignations and mass arrests, the major deception that…

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Introducing the ‘Exo-Physical’ You

One of the new, but simple insights from the Russians Grigori Grabovoi and Arcady Petrov that I appreciate is that each human being is created one time, perfectly. In other words, the Creator did not and does not “err” in the conception, design, or execution of the Original Intention. This idea feels much better to me than the story that…

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Awakening from the Astral Slumber

Ponder the thoughts written below: …the astral body is a component part, the very Self, of earthly existence; … it is the seat of the conscious mind and is not created by the will of the individual. The astral phantom is so much our very Self that we do not realize how bound up in it we are; we do…

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Finding the Courage to Imagine Resurrection

Organ regeneration is one of the most accessible and perhaps comfortable aspects in the universal appeal of Grigori Grabovoi and Arcady Petrov’s writings and teachings. I have a part or two that I am excited about restoring to the Norm. However, that is just the appetizer to the main course, which, I believe, we may be more reticent (myself included),…

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A Worldview From the Energy Field

You could call this a self-portrait. It’s me. Actually, it’s a more appropriate image of “me”, in that it includes the energy field that surrounds and interpenetrates my body. In other circles the energy field would be referred to as the auric field, or simply, the aura. It’s the same thing. But isn’t it interesting how this simple change in…

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On Matters of Spiraling and Choice

I’m almost half-way through Save the World Within You, the second part of Arcady Petrov’s trilogy, Creation of the Universe. The book reads like an epic religious tale, and perhaps more importantly, seems deeply entrenched in the foundations of duality, i.e., heroes and villains, good and evil, heaven and hell, and an interplay between divine and demonic forces. Inside the…

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Apple's Brightest Light Dimmed

As I took photos of just my second Apple product ever, a tiny iPod Nano that has become part of my vision for a new concept in healing and well-being modalities (more on that soon), the announcement was broadcast on my car radio that Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computer Inc., had passed away at a brief 56 times around…

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On Neutrality, Changing Truth, and Worldview on Death

At its simplest, most fundamental core, change happens from the nexus of where the Now Moment intersects with the spatial construct known as “here.” At these precise coordinates is the confluence of feelings that represent one’s vision, or worldview, which is “colored” by individual and collective hopes, fears, passions, and beliefs. We could say that there are no real “truths”…

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Humanity to Its Own Rescue Through Information Science

Have you heard enough bad news lately? Have the experts thoroughly convinced you that we’re in over our heads and there are few places left to run? Even proponents of natural methods and modalities are convinced conditions are critical and “the fit is about to hit the shan.” Well, while the following thoughts may make you wonder what I’ve been…

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When ExtraOrdinary Technology Meets ExtraPerceptual Consciousness We ALL Win

Time flies when you’re having fun, or so the time-honored adage goes. But today, time seems to simply be flying. Your individual “fun mileage” may vary. The 2011 ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference was something that should be on everyone’s list who want to see “out-of-the-box” thinking in action. I had an intense weekend at the event in Albuquerque last week (some of…

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On Deaths, Delusions, and Going Nowhere for ‘The Cure’

I have received news of a number of transitions recently, passings by individuals from this world. One was the passing of Marie Litster, who illustrated my book, I Am My Body, NOT! An effervescent, warm-hearted woman with that Canadian can do spirit, her illustrations gave my book the joyful warmth that made the words magical, practical, and timeless all at…

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FDA: MMS is Harmful, and Gulf Oysters are 'Good to Go'

It’s great to be back home, even while the drama surrounding MMS continues to unfold. The FDA is, albeit unintentionally, calling more attention to MMS and itself by embarking on this latest smear campaign. It’s a smear campaign because due diligence has not been followed on the FDA’s part. This is becoming the rule, not the isolated exception. MMS is…

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