Wielding ‘The Armor of God?’

I have begun a gradual migration to the GAB.com platform (@phaelosopher), posting occasionally. I joined the platform last year (2020) as the censorship efforts by major social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) escalated in their efforts to control the COVID-19 “narrative”. While it wasn’t apparent at first, those efforts had begun earlier for me, when YouTube/Google inexplicably deleted my video…

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The 'Physics' of God Explained

We assign the word, (the vibration) “learning” to refer to that which we have come to accept as “true.” What we learn, meaning that which has been recorded ~ consciously and unconsciously ~ into an area in consciousness, involves every aspect of life, both as we know it, and more fundamentally, as we live it. I lay these thoughts out as a simple…

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On Raising Our 'GQ' (God Quotient)

My journey through A Course in Cosmic Consciousness, by Walter and Lao Russell, continues. I am past the midway point of this 520-page volume, presently in Unit 10, Universal Law, Natural Science, and Living Philosophy, where my highlighter has been put on overtime. So many simple but profound truths, not only in this chapter, but throughout this work. Under the heading, THE CREATION OF…

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A Priceless Course in Cosmic Consciousness

At this moment I am working my way through A Course in Cosmic Consciousness, by Walter and Lao Russell. Originally published in 1950, and revised to its current form in 2001, the Course is comprised of 12 Units with 48 lessons, and is spread over 520 pages. I highly recommend this extraordinary treatise. If ever there were a publication that could help…

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CERN: Bending the World Over for a 'Little Big Bang'

[This is the longest article I’ve ever published here, which might suggest how important I think the subject matter is. Truth is, they’re all, equally important to me. The reason for the length will soon become self-evident. If you want a “Cliff’s Notes” version of what it’s all about, it’s simply about you, and knowing and Loving who you are. Problem…

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What Makes a Race 'Advanced'?

I used to think that having the knowledge and technology to travel through the heavens would mean that we had become a “more advanced” humanity than we have been, or are today. However, with our present set of customs and norms, it is reasonable to question if the words “intelligent” or “advanced,” with respect to humanity, apply at all. Some may hold the view that some members of…

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Vaccine Politics, Indigos and Normal Sensory Perception

A Unseen Agenda Exposed I would like to pose a very rational question. It’s so rational, it’s a wonder why mainstream medicine, government policy makers, or functionaries in the education system haven’t asked it. It’s so very, very rational that, in their not asking and seriously considering this question, you have to wonder whether their actions, and the effects that we, The People, are witnessing…

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Stillness and the Power of Thoughts

Imagine that the most elementary element of all physical creation, is not a “particle,” but the stillness that allows and causes motion to occur, and hence, particles to form. And in order to facilitate such causation, it is present as “the centering force” of everywhere, and everything.

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Notes from the Stillness

It is sheer barbarism to vaccinate newborn babies, period. Having said that, it’s simply inane to vaccinate anyone else. Nothing that is included in a vaccine’s list of ingredients is of benefit to the recipient. No-thing whatsoever. “Benefit” only extends to the corporations that arranged sweetheart deals with politicians and/or government agencies to provide product (complete with preservatives to maintain shelf life)…

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A Practical Guide to 'Going Within'

Each time I sit to write, it is with a desire and intention to convey thoughts that would be of most lasting value to the reader, any reader, without exception, agree or disagree, whether the ideas expressed are read today, or long after I have left this apparently chaotic world. It is now apparent that the chaos we see and are often appalled…

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Milestones on the Road of Life

This stretch of I-10 heading west toward Los Angeles gives you some indication of my recent whereabouts, and actually, my planned whereabouts too, as in a couple of days I’ll make a return, but it’s the whatabouts that are of the greatest interest. The original plan was to attend my No. 1 grandson Tyler’s high school graduation, but that didn’t…

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Awareness, ‘The Idea’ and ‘The Journey’

NASHVILLE, TN – Nothing like your birthday to share what’s on your mind. It doesn’t have to make total sense, or even be related. Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it! I’ve been in the Music City two weeks already, and on the road for six weeks, on what may turn out to be The Journey of my…

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Finding God on the Road and Within

ON THE ROAD, USA: I share with you a view of Flathead Lake from its western shore in the town of Lakeside, Montana, where I spent three days interviewing a remarkable lady, Judy Beebe (www.judybeebe.com and www.omegacellenergy.com). I left Arizona on the 5th of October. Presently, it’s not clear when I will return. I originally thought I’d head West from…

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Dancing in ‘The Door’

On Wednesday, September 18, 2013, I’ll be a guest on the Proof Negative Show on www.Freedomizerradio.com, in the second hour (7pm PST). Breaking with my pattern of the past, I thought I’d let you know ahead of time, instead of after the fact. One possible topic: water, as I have actively resumed an advocacy of high-spin, energy rich, water transformation…

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Notes Along the Path to ‘No-thingness’

Our journey to a conscious awareness of The Substrate, the Core of Subtle Energy, and to the edge of Nothingness, is to the place from which all of creation emerges. As we advance in consciousness along the way, each dimensional realm that we encounter reveals “less” in the material sense, but more in substance, intelligence, wholeness, joy, harmony, love, and…

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On Matters of Spiraling and Choice

I’m almost half-way through Save the World Within You, the second part of Arcady Petrov’s trilogy, Creation of the Universe. The book reads like an epic religious tale, and perhaps more importantly, seems deeply entrenched in the foundations of duality, i.e., heroes and villains, good and evil, heaven and hell, and an interplay between divine and demonic forces. Inside the…

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A Greater Dawn Emerges… from Within

It has never before been so evident to me that we can create the moment, the experiences, and the lifetimes of our heart’s highest and most wonderful desire. Furthermore, this new life can be created from wherever we happen to be right now. It is not done by wishing it into being, but by accepting who, what, and where we…

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On Deaths, Delusions, and Going Nowhere for ‘The Cure’

I have received news of a number of transitions recently, passings by individuals from this world. One was the passing of Marie Litster, who illustrated my book, I Am My Body, NOT! An effervescent, warm-hearted woman with that Canadian can do spirit, her illustrations gave my book the joyful warmth that made the words magical, practical, and timeless all at…

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Timely News from a Timeless Place

The first time I learned about channeled information was in the early 1980’s, when I stumbled upon a book titled, Seth Speaks. Although Jane Roberts was the physical author, the originator of the ideas was a “non-physical entity” known as Seth. The book came into my life at a very critical time, as I grappled with this idea called death,…

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A Medium for Light

Cynthia Williams was a reluctant medium, which was not hard to imagine when you realize that the catalyst for what was eventually to become her life’s work was the unusual attention she received from, of all things, a dolphin. I met Cynthia Williams at a small conference that was held at Angel Valley, a beautiful retreat located just west of…

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