Thoughts on Self Mastery: Desire, Belief, and Intent

When presented with examples of what might constitute self-mastery… such as the ability to heal a cancerous medical condition, transform an abusive relationship, or confronting what we perceive to be an extremely negative, unreachable, or even evil situation, it is easy to tell ourself that if this is mastery, it’s beyond our ability. In essence, we can’t.

Though we might believe the thought to be true, it would actually be a lie.

A truer statement would be that at this moment we haven’t learned how to do such things. In essence, we don’t know how. Yet, if we accept that such ability is within the spectrum of powers that naturally define the human spirit, then medical conditions, untenable relationships and encounters with incorrigible people may serve as opportunities for us to discover, exercise, and strengthen these latent Gifts.

As we indeed realize that our ability to heal various challenges that our life experiences may bring are real, we open to the possibility that there is more waiting “inside” to be revealed that may be greater still. In the mean time, our personal world shifts and changes according to the love we put into it, which we should understand, will be felt and responded to by all.

The path to self-mastery is simple. First, believe that you can positively impact a negative situation, even if you don’t know how. Ask for assistance from the Source of your highest wisdom. Invite said Source to express itself through you. It’s happening already, but when you make a conscious invitation, you raise the level of possibility, as well as effective potency.

I can’t speak for you, but it’s common for us to harbor very low expectations of ourselves and humanity. We are quick to doubt, slow to trust, and even quicker to fear things of which we’re not familiar. That includes our Self.

We often feign disinterest in some subjects, such as self exploration when in fact, fear of discovery, conflict, ostracism, or even success often rears its reliable head. Blessed are they who face their fears with a smile, and follow the urgings of their heart. They are the ones who will have “the answer” to the burning questions of the moment.

Successly addressing a “small” life challenge establishes a pattern of succeeding. True reality is not “linear” in its orientation. “Size” doesn’t matter. What matters is desire, belief, and intent. Whether you wish to achieve the mundane or profound, from bringing your body and mind in alignment with your heart, to bringing safety and peace to your community or nation, it all begins with desire, belief, and intent.

Desiring the change instantly creates and sets it into motion — within YOURSELF — in realms unseen. Believing in YOURSELF and YOUR SPIRITUAL BEINGNESS builds co-creative energy. Intent creates a vibrational anchor between the change and your sphere of physical experience, that the two shall become one. They become one in the same as you treat the change — e.g., normalization of blood pressure, disappearance of a tumor, or the flow of sufficient income to live comfortably — as a foregone conclusion. If these effects serve your highest good, then it will be so.

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