FDA: MMS is Harmful, and Gulf Oysters are 'Good to Go'

It’s great to be back home, even while the drama surrounding MMS continues to unfold. The FDA is, albeit unintentionally, calling more attention to MMS and itself by embarking on this latest smear campaign. It’s a smear campaign because due diligence has not been followed on the FDA’s part. This is becoming the rule, not the isolated exception. MMS is…

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A Prognosis: MMS, ‘Si’, FDA, ‘No’

BARAHONA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC — At long last, Jim Humble’s Miracle Mineral Supplement, otherwise known as MMS, is surfacing, introduced to a much larger segment of the population, thanks to the FDA. However, thanks to the FDA, the first perception of the “miracle” product that this new and impressionable audience is receiving, is one of a poison, like an angel in…

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MMS: The ‘Fit’ Has Hit the ‘Shan’

BARAHONA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC – Fasten your seatbelts, because the MMS story is about to take the greatest roller coaster ride of its life. The FDA is following up its July 30, 2010 warning on the personal and discretionary use of chlorine dioxide with a vengeance, having picked out a sampling of MMS suppliers in the United States and Japan (yes,…

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MMS Workshop: Back to Barahona and Haitian Memories

I’m heading back to the Dominican Republic, to do a Mulligan on the 5-day MMS Seminar and Workshop, in the coastal town of Barahona (pronounced, bah-RO-na). The timing of the FDA assault on MMS, where they mobilize their forces against a product that they have not given a fair, unbiased evaluation, in spite (or because of) the positive results people…

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MMS: The End… or is it the Beginning?

Now that the FDA has shown its hand on MMS, it’s now reasonable to wonder what’s next. Is this the end… or is it the beginning? It is a point that, most likely, has been anticipated by Jim Humble, who worked out the protocol for generating chlorine dioxide in levels safe enough to be used inside the human body. Although…

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FDA Warning on MMS: Your Hypocrisy is Showing

In a move that surprised no one, the FDA has finally taken an official position on the Miracle Mineral Supplement, known by most by the acronym, “MMS.” In a July 30 news release, the agency warned of “serious harm from drinking MMS.” This is a trend that began in May, with a Media Advisory against MMS issued by Health Canada,…

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Standard Cancer Treatments No Longer Make Sense

Let’s be honest, standard medical treatment responses for cancer, i.e., chemotherapy and radiation, no longer make any sense. One day they did, a long time ago, but not now. One day it seemed plausible that cancer must be the result of something wrong happening inside the body; something dreadfully wrong. And what do we do when “wrong” things happen? When…

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Healing the Gulf as Prelude to Paradigm Shift in Health Remediation

Albert Einstein has often been quoted as saying that you can’t solve a problem while thinking at the level of the problem. That statement has never been truer than in the present Gulf oil spill debacle. The problem is that BP, and its entire supporting infrastructure, which includes the petrochemical industry, various centers of academic influence (otherwise known as “leading…

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Chemical Overload: Time to Open Our Eyes

LONDON – My first Trans-Atlantic trip, which has taken me to Amsterdam, Germany, and London, draws to a close. I love my iPhone, but it’s not a preferred updating method for me. But now I must. I can add photos or video later. The THOUGHT needs expression NOW, while it is HERE. Today I interviewed a beautiful woman of 78…

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Charting the Changes in MMS Practice

Our time in the Dominican Republic with Jim Humble involved learning MMS from A to Z, and back again. Let’s go over some of the basic evolutionary changes in MMS as a product and protocol. Product Changes Sodium Chlorite – the basic MMS solution (28%, of which an effective 22.4% is sodium chlorite) is unchanged. Citric Acid Activator – this…

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The Monumental Journey to Explore 'Energetics'

I’ll soon be able to replace this Monument Valley landscape with one of my own, as I head on a road trip to Crestone, CO, to interview Rob Williams, developer of PSYCH-K (www.psych-k.com) and then head to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where I’ll meet Dr. Sam Berne (www.newattention.net) who is fast becoming an expert in energy measurement and analysis using…

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Talk For Food Archive: More on Structured Water

As my appreciation for the importance of structured water increased, I spent more time with Clayton Nolte, developer of a device that transformed the energetics of regular water by doing virtually nothing to it. Of course, by doing so little, his device has shown some amazing results, almost beyond belief. That’s why I continue exploring the subject of, and writing…

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A 'Wake-Up Call' to Love

For many reasons, some obvious and some not, 2010 marks an important step forward in the story that humanity is writing for and about itself. Increasingly, we are learning to permit ourselves the possibility that there may be some truth to the idea that we are sentient, intelligent beings possessing heretofore unimaginable powers of creation. So fully and consistently has…

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Truth or Hoax? How Energetic Awareness Might Transform Cancer Treatment

I received one of those email broadcasts yesterday about Johns Hopkins finally issuing a statement on the real causes of, and ways to prevent cancer. Given what I’ve learned of late, I was pleased to see this. You may have received one. In my opinion, it’s very good information. But upon further investigation, according to Snopes.com and by Johns Hopkins…

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Big Lies and Subtle Balance

In this gift giving and receiving season, thoughts of what constitutes the greatest of gifts comes to mind. For an individual racked in pain, limited in mobility, with the hope realizing the life of his or her dreams waning, simply being pain free and able to once again associate with the word “health” might be better than anything from one…

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On the Horizon: TV Series and Documentary on MMS

I’ve had the feeling that a new wave of the public is beginning, or about to start learning about MMS, the Miracle Mineral Supplement/Solution introduced by Jim Humble and chronicled by yours truly via articles, audio interviews on Talk For Food, and through my documentary, Understanding MMS: Conversations with Jim Humble. Increasingly, people who contact me with questions indicate that…

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Alchemy to Fractility: A Journey Begins

SOMEWHERE in WASHINGTON — I feel a bit like Jim Humble in not wanting to divulge my exact whereabouts, yet still wanting to share. I will say that I am in the state of Washington (not the District, which technically isn’t in the United States).  Of course, being mum on a subject only increases curiosity, right? I’m doing so, not…

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'Connecting the Dots' on Structured Water

My quest to understand and appreciate the nature, behavior, and essence of structured water is ongoing. Feedback from new structured water experiencers continues to stream in, and it is no less than amazing. Water plays a grossly unappreciated role in the human health matrix. Our failure to examine water, and to come to a consensus as to what constitutes the…

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Diary of an Amputation

Not the Disease, the Treatment I’ve been in sort of an “in-between” state lately, wanting to write and wanting to video, but not doing enough of either to suit me. There’s been an ongoing story of my step-father, Josh, who had a stroke in 2007 and, two years later, is progressing in the best way that predominant medical practice can…

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Mind and Body Healing Discoveries

My learning adventure continues each week, as I have recently been introduced to additional modalities that can be called upon to facilitate a beneficial “shift” in one’s health and well-being. Among these are PSYCH-K, which I recently did a Talk For Food show on with Jeanne Northington, a PSYCH-K practitioner and instructor from Tuscaloosa, AL. (Click here to listen.) This…

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