Simple Video on Truth Ruled to be ‘Against Community Guidelines’

On September 11, 2020 I recorded some thoughts in front of my camera.

The political fires that had burned so incessantly from Oregon into Washington with a red glare had colored the afternoon air with a haze that you could cut with a knife.

It’s easy to be grateful that it was just smoke that we were inconvenienced with, and not the fires that had devastated so many areas to the south.

Destroying both habitats and homes for so many.


Pretty simple, uncomplicated stuff. Calm. Slow delivery. No music. No hype. No pressure. Not even disrespect.

Some visuals to support a thought where it seemed appropriate.

I titled the talk, “9/11 plus 19: Still Searching for Truth”.

I edited, rendered, and uploaded the video to YouTube on September 18, 2020.

About 3 hours later, with about 3 views, it had been removed.

My channel had been issued a warning. According to the notice, the video violated YouTube’s “Community Guidelines”. They don’t say which one(s).

I uploaded the same video on Bitchute too. Even there, it has not finished “processing” and become visible for two days. I have all of 145 subscribers on the YouTube channel (once over 14,000), and just 33 videos from what had been 600.

Did I say there had been only 3 ~ yes THREE ~ views?

I did find a video platform that would host the video. Actually, two of them.

One is LBRY (Library), which is a decentralized platform. Every individual that uses LBRY is a node on its network.

You download the LBRY software as well as the videos that you watch through it. Your computer may subsequently act as a “server” of that video to someone else. Here is the link.

The second video platform is It’s new and is also designed to help content creators monetize their information. It works in conjunction with a new social media platform called

I have also begun posting (or re-posting) on (@phaelosopher).

Once you get comfortable somewhere, it’s hard to change, even when ALL the signs say change would be wise.

Today, change would be a wise thing to do. Each must decide how, and each will reap the reward, or suffer the consequences of the choices made, or not made.

To view the video on Cinnamon, click here.

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2 Thoughts to “Simple Video on Truth Ruled to be ‘Against Community Guidelines’”

  1. S.Lucas

    I’m just glad I’m signed up to receive notification emails. This is a great way for anyone to stay up-to-date on your blog no matter what happens on youtube. LBRY recently launched a video streaming service called Odysee that’s looking good so far. I would love to move off google services entirely, but there are very few people I follow who have made the move to elsewhere. I often feel it necessary to use their service because of the great wealth of amazing DIY videos, who are perhaps the most unaffected by the censorship and least compelled to migrate. It is highly unfortunate that Google admins feel so compelled to play dictator, but such is the current state of things. Hopefully we can find a way to build competitive platforms that are comprised of more than just the youtube rejects, because that is the only way I see giving youtube a run for their money. Fingers crossed for Odysee. I, for one, will continue to watch your videos no matter where you end up posting them. Keep ’em coming, Adam!

    1. Thank you for your support and encouragement!

      I had not heard of Odysee. Just watched a video by Teal Swan. And I noticed, when uploading a short video, “Truth” the other day, that the LBRY interface itself had been updated. I tried a couple years ago, which was glitchy at the time. I’ll continue to post to Cinnamon and will give Odysee a go too.

      I have two book readings to post. One is to complete “The Door of Everything” by Ruby Nelson. The work is completed. I reuploaded half back to YouTube, but I prefer to upload previously “banned” material elsewhere, and actually, not have the threat of “warnings” and “removals” lingering over my head, especially with an inference that my content incites “harm”.

      The second project is a reading of “The Screwtape Letters,” by C.S. Lewis. 31 chapters and a preface. Originally published in 1942, this book makes people think; at least those who are willing. 🙂

      Then there are several hundred more videos that were part of the original channel, plus whatever I do that is new.

      Best regards,


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