Standard Cancer Treatments No Longer Make Sense

Let’s be honest, standard medical treatment responses for cancer, i.e., chemotherapy and radiation, no longer make any sense. One day they did, a long time ago, but not now. One day it seemed plausible that cancer must be the result of something wrong happening inside the body; something dreadfully wrong. And what do we do when “wrong” things happen? When…

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BP's Myopic Vision: Unnecessary Environmental Damage as Simple as '1, 2, 3'

There’s an emergency in the Gulf of Mexico, still. Even with the wellhead apparently capped, there is a state of emergency. This evening I watched a documentary on the National Geographic Channel about the progress that has been made in the Gulf, including the apparent success at finally capping the well. Yet, while the work that is going on down…

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All the News that's fit to DELETE!

It took me three days to produce and publish this video, but the delay helped me see what may be a more disturbing trend. [youtube=] Amid the rancor and ruckus of shock, turmoil, and indignation about the Gulf oil spill and (lack of) cleanup operations, we now have a case of disappearing news. A story that appeared on on…

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