Thoughts on Natural Health: Some Plain Talk

We live in an age where you’ve got to watch what you say, particularly in matters of human health. There are very sound reasons for the caution, as the human body is a complex organism, and the measures that modern medicine has taken to alter, obstruct, toxify, and otherwise tinker with its normal functioning in the name of health and healing, should indeed require a license. But there are some common sense things that we all should know and talk about with regard to keeping our body healthy. So this layman will keep it simple.

Become Alkaline

If you are currently experiencing a chronic disease, whether systemic, or localized, understand that the affected area is acidic. Your pH level in those areas will be low, under 7.4. Also understand that raising the body’s pH levels goes hand-in-hand with healing and a return to health. Learn what lowers pH, and what can raise it, some of which are discussed as you continue reading.


When I was a youngster, water was one of the most uninteresting drinks you could imagine! It didn’t taste like anything! I didn’t appreciate the beauty of that statement then, because it certainly didn’t taste as good as the Nehi grape pop that I loved so much, or strawberry Kool Aid®. I didn’t drink enough, and behavior became habitual. It just didn’t occur to me to do it as often as was best for me then, and the treated city water that I did ingest (growing up in Chicago, Illinois) was often laced with chemical substances whose impact wasn’t understood nearly as much as they are today.

But times don’t change: we do. My understanding of water has matured. It is a living miracle, as we are, that works its best magic when we take in enough, and have neutralized the chemical additives that are so often present. Buying bottled water doesn’t ensure that harmful chemicals won’t be present, but you can nullify their effects, and amplify its hydrating potential with a few specific tools (here is a source of water transformation products).


An imbalance or deficiency in certain minerals, particularly magnesium and iodine, has a profound effect on our health, which can present itself in a wide variety of ways. Magnesium chloride intake is so effective in part because it also contains a full spectrum of vital mineral that the body needs, and in balance. Commit yourself to bringing your magnesium and iodine levels to “normal”, then see what your body can do on its own.


While a mineral deficiency and imbalance certainly contributes to the onset of disease, toxication is virtually a way of life these days. In Western society, toxins, heavy metals, and harmful chemical compounds are introduced to our bodies from the first breath to our last. Once in our system, they react to each other in ways that we have not yet begun to understand. Mercury and lead, chlorine, benzene, fluorides, and many others, are all introduced to our body. They all impact our health, negatively. Their effects are cumulative.

When we become ill, many of these same chemical compounds are introduced in mainstream healing modalities, in the form of drugs, vaccines, chemotherapy, radiation, etc. The body tends to find places to store these components as it heals itself, first and foremost, through our own intent. However, that at some point, they’ve got to be removed. Toxin removal, also referred to as chelation, needs to become a regular health routine.


As our body matures, it is of utmost importance to clean the colon. If this were done routinely starting at 30 years of age, and every 10 years thereafter, there would be a tremendous shift in our health during later years. The shift is that, given that we also perform the other steps on this list, energy, health, and vitality would still be with us.


A most insidious form of poisoning comes from exposure to radioactive materials, which can be airborne, in our water, or in the soil. Western medicine doesn’t yet have an acknowledged treatment for radiation poisoning, but Mother Nature does, in calcium bentonite clay. Calcium bentonite clay was used to effectively and significantly lower Cesium 137 levels at the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. It was placed within candy and given to children to get it into their systems and remove positively charged radioisotopes as it went through. Making clay ingestion a regular part of your healing regimen will pay dividends to your health.

Here is a short video that shows you how to make it:


THINK Healthy Thoughts!

I can’t emphasize this enough. How we feel physically, is a result of how we think… about ourselves, our life, our abilities, prospects for the future, failures of the past, etc. If you are ill, and want to be well, you must jettison the energy of thoughts that support your dis-ease. This is done by seeing – in your mind’s eye – yourself and your body, as healthy, and joyfully feeling the difference, not with remorse, as in “poor me, look at how I’m not doing,” but with anticipation as to the new direction you have already turned yourself in; the path you are now taking.

From this point on, see your life experiences in the context of the health that you are NOW manifesting from the crucible of disease. See yourself as whole and complete, not fragmented and weak. Others will begin to reflect the “you” that you present to them. YOU will be the catalyst for change, as we always are, even when it is negative. Consciously turn your life toward balance, inner harmony, and peace for that is where you will find the power to heal.

With the exception of the last point, the products that allow you to equip yourself for health are available today. Armed with information, and the will to be well, resistance by dis-ease, will become futile.

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0 Thoughts to “Thoughts on Natural Health: Some Plain Talk”

  1. I totally agree with you. Natural living is the best way to healthy living.

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