Thoughts on Love: Wisdom for Children, Part VI

[NOTE: This is the last of a 6-part essay titled, On Loving With Love, Not Fear. To view part 5, click here.]

Ultimate Question is Still a Question

I Am My Body, NOT! ends with a summary page which states that where we go after the body dies is any one’s guess. No one knows for sure, but everyone believes something, even if they believe in “nothingness.”

The page is dominated by an illustration depicting the earth, with a huge red swirl of energy curled into the shape of a question mark. The earth itself is the “dot.” Also swirling around the planet are smaller “pods” of loving hearts.

I Am My Body, NOT! Summary Page

The message here is that whatever our beliefs about the cosmology of our spirit or the nature of the Soul, love is the key to a meaningful life on earth.

Whether we believe in reincarnation or transmigration, or such places as Heaven or Hell, Shamballa, Nirvana, the Fifth Dimension, Pleides, Alpha Centuri, or a nameless, formless Void after our bodies die, the choices we make during our sojourn on earth have power and meaning in the Here and Now.

Whether it comes from one who calls himself a Methodist or Atheist, love feels the same, and if received without prejudice, will have the same effect on others. Whether it is given by one who is “white” to a “black,” Gentile or Jew, Muslim or Hindu, a loving touch will heal and empower not only the receiver, but also, the giver. Love is no one group’s possession. It is everyone’s Gift; available to all who are willing to set fears aside and be their very best, not only to others, but to themselves. In so doing, we only begin to appreciate that we are truly one group of spirits in human “clothing.”

A vast and mysterious Universe stares silently at us each night when the earth rotates away from the sun. It is one that humankind has wondered about since the beginning of time. Could it be that it is an ever present hint to what lies ahead? Could it be that choosing to love is the key to that great realm? It’s something to ponder.

A Daily Demonstration by Adults

The ultimate and best approach to loving and teaching children fearlessly is by demonstration. We must learn to live fearlessly: not foolishly, but with love, intelligence, imagination, and courage.

We must have the courage of our convictions as to what is right and wrong behavior, what is respect and disrespect, and what actions create benefit, and what creates harm.

We demonstrate fearlessness by caring for others as well as for ourselves, and for other groups of others, different as their lives and beliefs may be. We demonstrate fearlessness when we understand that groups of “others” are actually “our own,” even when some of them think that they are not.

We are fearless when we elect to align with others through the auspices of attitude and vision instead of dividing, defining, separating, and ranking ourselves by social, ethnic, economic or historical factors.

All human beings are instruments of change. All human beings can be instruments of positive change. Fear tends to crystallize the negative and limiting aspects of the status quo. Love, intelligence, inspiration, imagination, cooperation, dedication, and determination, tend to improve it. Please take an active step in helping children choose exciting lives they want to create, by choosing to create one for your self.

Copyright © 2002-2007 Adam Abraham All rights reserved

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