Thoughts on Creativity

Unfolding Our Story: Unwrapping the Gift

When writing, it is common practice for me to begin the journey without even knowing what will be written. I have written many essays, poems, and several books using this practice.

On occasion I will have a hint or clue as to the ideas that wish to be expressed, but invariably, other thoughts will see the light of day that had never crossed my mind.

Entering another world… of thought.

This protocol doesn’t make me mindless or passive in my writing practice. I am very clear about the following things: First, I affirm that my intent is to entertain only those thoughts and ideas that are beneficial in nature, that cause no harm to others. Next, after so affirming, I accept the thoughts that come to me; without prejudice or fearful interference.

Without fail, my role as a writer is transformed into that of a spectator, receiving a broadcast of thoughts that captivate and stimulate *my* mind, oftentimes with ideas and perspectives that hadn’t occurred to me. So fascinated, it becomes a joy to share this “fresh” perspective with others. In practical terms, this is the process of “opening a mind.”

All of this relates to the question of choosing our life path and finding our purpose. It is not so important that we be very specific about what the final result is going to be. It is far more important that we set our intent and affirm the tone and tenor of our life, and the impact and *impression* that we wish to have made by the time our journey ends. Upon so doing, we can move forward, powered by faith, inspiration, and ingenuity. As we go along, a story will unfold — *our* story– more wonderful than we could have thought up on our own.

If this approach has some appeal to you, consider it simply a Gift… not mine, but the one that stands ready for you to give to yourself.

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0 Thoughts to “Thoughts on Creativity”

  1. Adam,
    You say so much in this small post:
    The power of purpose, intent and affirmation;
    Opening your mind (I am reminded of Flow ( ), and Mushin ( );
    Faith; and I almost forgot,
    I always enjoy reading your blog- Thank You!
    Think Good Thoughts,
    Say Good Words,
    Do Good Deeds.

  2. ” A Fair Dinkum New Year”

    I see you speak Ozbonics……cool!

  3. Carol, thank you for sharing this! Perhaps one day I’ll witness in person in addition to in spirit! A Fair Dinkum New Year to ya!

  4. Hi Adam
    Dreaming together empowers our Story;
    Meet my good friend Deanna as we present our Art of Change ~ Law of Attraction program.

    A glimpse into our Art of Change Empowerment group where we use art, story, creativity, visualisation and the power of the Mind to create the life of our Dreams and enhance Community. Understanding the Law of Attraction empowers the participants and we are hearing wonderful stories of change and connection, creativity and community as a result of The Art of Change ~ LOA programs.

    Traditional Aborginal cultural practices of sharing and connection using art and story form the foundation of a partnership program that reminds us that: “We are all the same within regardless of the skin we are in”. In week one we created the “Heart of Prosperity” and using the Law of Attraction claim 2007 to be a year of Peace, Passion and Prosperity.

    This is the land of the Dreamtime….let’s Dream new Dreams….together!

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