Beliefs, Truth, God/Love, and You

Molokini atoll, at Big Beach, off the southern coast of Maui.

‘Coming Home’ to Now

It’s almost amusing to observe how we make whatever we believe at a given point in our lives the absolute truth, and then try to apply said belief to everyone, that is, with the possible exception of our self. Then, in one dramatic and profound “A ha!” moment, we see the light, and everything that existed, and everyone who agreed with our former point of view becomes “wrong,” that is, with the possible exception of our self. Nonetheless, our new way of seeing and thinking becomes “right” and the new litmus test for granting such human favors as kindness, trust, and respect.

This is all amusing only in the sense of how well and naturally life can expose the hypocrisy of self-righteousness, and how deftly we will attempt to rationalize a previously untenable point of view only to take another at a later time, after yet another epiphany. It is not amusing when we take our viewpoint so seriously that we cannot tolerate and live with others whose only “sin” may be in embracing a viewpoint that is different from our own.

Over the course of a lifetime we are likely to experience many shifts and changes of viewpoint, involving much judgment about what is “true,” “right,” and “best” for everyone. That is, until we come to the point of realizing and accepting that God lives and is expressed through everyone, including “Him,” “Her,” and “Them,” and “You” and “Me”. The foundation and cause of our kinship with every other human being of our world, and every being in worlds beyond this one, is God. The enabling power of all that exists, all that we know, and all that remains to be known, is Love. There is no difference between what God is, and Love. They are one in the same, equally all-pervasive, encompassing, and inclusive. While an agnostic will question whether God exists, and an atheist may deny it altogether, neither will question the reality and importance of love, and being loving.

We don’t have to know or even care whether God exists in order to be loving. However, by loving one’s self unconditionally, without “strings,” our consciousness awakens, in ever expanding spirals and spheres, to the Presence and Power of God that exists in all.

And so let it be done.

Beliefs are living, energy infused collections of thoughts that have been organized to a systemic level to operate within the consciousness of individuals and groups. When we embrace the idea that God is within all things, including ourselves, it becomes easier to see, accept, and understand that through the beliefs we embrace, we empower the realities that frame and form our life experiences.

Beliefs will always “make sense” to the believer. That is, until one desires, and becomes willing to change his or her beliefs about one’s self, and life’s possibilities. Through our beliefs, we form and then maintain our sense of reality. Therefore, if we want to change the reality, or certain aspects of which that we’re living, we must first re-examine the belief(s) that support it and be willing to embrace new ones.

Beliefs operate and effectuate one’s experience on both personal and interpersonal levels. They function as attractors of like minded and hearted others into interaction, by which experiences, and the feelings that they engender, are created.

While God is an Absolute Presence which constitutes All There Is, beliefs are not. Beliefs are ideas that can be likened to program code in a software operating system that governs how we will interact, function, and experience life within this dimensional reality.

Our power to create new experiences in this world is conferred through that which we believe to be “true” or “not true.” Our beliefs frame, define, and empower (or short circuit) that which we think is “true.” The truths that our beliefs support are transitory. As we change our beliefs, our truths will change too.

Beliefs are personally actuated and effectuated. They can also be nullifying, particularly if we are “carriers” of beliefs that run at counter purposes to each other. As such, one person’s experiences can vary profoundly from another’s, even though they may claim to embrace the same beliefs.

We have a “belief” about everything that relates to our experience in this world. Some of them may have never been actually thought about. We also have our own interpretation of shared beliefs about such things as the nature, conventions, laws, and limits of physicality. We hold very specific beliefs about that which we think is “good” and “bad,” “right” and “wrong,” “worthy” and “undeserving.” We first apply these beliefs to ourselves. We place ourselves within a matrix that is framed by these beliefs, which serves as the map of experiential possibilities, for us.

Oftentimes we will project our beliefs onto others, often to little effect on them because, as sovereign beings with free will, and possessing their own unique life perspective, they may not share said belief. However, our beliefs will always and absolutely apply to ourselves, where it shall always be perfectly effectuated without fail.

Do you sometimes curse the moment, the day, or perhaps the “sticky situation” that you find yourself in? Consider for a moment, that it is the living God within you that is expressing.

Now, do you still want to curse?

Or do you want to listen, and hear? Do you want to know what options you, as a bonafide, irrevocable, divine expression of God, have available to create a different kind of experience that you now desire? Then permit yourself to allow your beliefs to change. You have the power. In so doing, the ideas that come to your mind will change. Your truths will change. Your thoughts will change. Your attitudes will change. Your words will change. Your actions will change. Your responses to challenges will change. Others’ responses to you will change. Your experiences will then change.

Will calamity still happen in your life and elsewhere? Yes, because we are still aspects of God creating all that is humanly imaginable in this world. If it can be imagined, then someone is creating it, loving it, fearing it, and experiencing it somewhere, because it is within their God-given and chosen power to do so, even if they are presently unaware that this is so… even if they don’t presently believe it is so.

Does someone else’s calamity have to happen to us? No. Yet, as we learn to not fear calamity, disaster, and apocalypse, they will diminish as factors in our lives.

Fire and brimstone, hell and damnation? Since someone has imaged and believes in it, someone will experience it. Poverty and disease? Crime and punishment? It’s being imagined and believed in, and experienced, somewhere. Abundance, health, and ease of living? That too is being imagined, believed in, and experienced, somewhere. It’s all a function of choice and the workings of Universal Law. It is the way that the abundant, non-judging, loving, responsive, all-pervasive Universe works.

In embracing our oneness with God we can walk more confidently through “the valley of the shadow of death, fearing no evil,” knowing that Thou Art With Me, because the Divine Source is “Me.” That Divine Source is Love, which cannot be harmed, and will not harm. Love is the “rod and staff” of life that is behind all abundance, health, and healing. It is the Limitless Comforter that, like Sacred Fire, gives and gives again without itself being diminished. Knowing who we are confers the power of love that we embody into our own lives, and extends it into the lives of others when we share. Not knowing allows us to be subject to the effects of how we judge others who, like us, are actually expressions of very same One Great Self.

“Know Thy Self” are three words of wisdom that have been passed along through the ages. It remains sound advice, for as we know, and then love who we are, we will know and love God, and then see God in others, including our erstwhile “enemies,” even non-believers. In so doing, we will see the oneness that unites us as human beings, and kindred spirits.

It is not by “accident” that we are on earth, in this space/time continuum. It is by choice. We are here for myriad reasons, and one; that is, to love.

All paths lead to God, because all paths are paved on a foundation of love. Fear is the illusion of love’s absence when in truth, it is love, short-circuited and polarized. Love is the first and best answer to all our “problems” including our fears. Embracing them with love aligns our body and mind with the heart, opening ourselves to the inspiration and energy of positive, harmonic change. In this way we create a pathway by which our highest dreams and aspirations may come home, here to the Now Moment.

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