Baking Soda-Gate, Part II

I am pleased to report that the YouTube video with Jim Humble showing how to add baking soda to MMS to make it taste palatable has been removed. However, a second copy of the same video is still online, which was posted by someone else on June 17, 2012. [youtube=] Viewer beware… STILL. That’s the simple part. Yesterday I received…

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What NOT to do with MMS

If you are familiar with the product known as “MMS,” the sodium chlorite solution that was introduced and popularized by Jim Humble, it’s possible you’ve stumbled upon something that I’ve written or produced about the product since my first introduction to it in 2007. In some respects I have helped the public’s acceptance and understanding of the product through the…

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HeLa-wakening; Asking the Question ‘Why?’

“Knowledge makes man unfit to be a slave.” – Frederick Douglass [youtube=] Sums things up real well. When the FDA went public with their crusade against Jim Humble’s Miracle Miracle Supplement, “MMS” in July 2010 via a consumer advisory and subsequent campaign to take the now defunct Project Greenlife down, one could hardly imagine the size of the jar they…

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Shaking Vaccine History at Its Foundations

At long last I’ve re-surfaced. Never really went anywhere, but the number of hours in the day seems to shrink further while my worldview morphs and transforms. My information intake has gained a new input medium in the form of regular conversations with the Canadian gentleman known here as Grant. The conversations have become quite valuable, as his grasp of…

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The “MMS-is-Bleach” Card is Played… Again

Just as the US~Observer goes to press with a series of stories on the “still infamous” Miracle Mineral Supplement product introduced by Jim Humble, now known by most as “MMS”, another mainstream electronic publication, the Huffington Post, has published a slam, written by Todd Drezner, a regular contributor. Drezner reports on, and takes sides in an imbroglio that has been…

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A Turning Point for MMS in the Media?

Today marks another milestone in the story of the Miracle Mineral Solution, coined by Jim Humble as “MMS” with the publication of the first newspaper article to which the word neutral would apply. At the very least, Chris Stein’s article in the Pacific Northwest Inlander, titled, “When a ‘Miracle’ Meets the FDA”, suggests, at least by his tag line, that…

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‘FDA Protection’ At Work v. MMS

I’m going to start right here by saying it deeply saddens me to feel that the image above is an appropriate representation of events that are reported below, but that’s how I see it. For almost two years I have followed, with minimal comment, the saga of Daniel Smith of Project Green Life, who the FDA sought to make an…

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Another Dose of Clear Chem-Speak on MMS

Some of you will recall the row we had a few months ago with Wikipedia’s biased, masquerading as informative “Miracle Mineral Supplement” entry, and how its editors doggedly persisted in protecting the toxic inferences and dismissing the beneficial accounts. (The bias is still there.) This tidbit was posted today on the YouTube thread by Frootloopsian. Gravity Theory, upon reading your…

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Remarkable MMS Insights, "Geeks Gone Wild," and Change Whose Time Has Come

In my Talk For Food video this week, I mentioned a remarkable information source that has emerged who articulates the underlying chemical behavior of MMS with amazing clarity. It evolved in the comment thread from a short clip that I posted three years ago on YouTube from my documentary, Understanding MMS: Conversations with Jim Humble. Naysayers have come and gone,…

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Fear, Fate, Truth, and MMS

The events surrounding the status of Daniel Smith and Project Green Life (PGL) have, up until recently, put most of us at a loss for words. Recently that all changed when Dennis Richard, of A2Z Health Products (, sent out a letter to his mailing list that virtually predicted that “the end” was at hand (so buy your MMS while…

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The Monumental Lie that Fuels (or Fools) the FDA

I spoke to Daniel Smith of PGL a couple of days ago, after two of his product’s distributors, seeking to know the status of their supplier due to lack of an ability to reach the company, inquired here. For anyone not familiar, I reported that agents from the FDA and US Postal Service had raided their offices and confiscated computers,…

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Fox (FDA) to Henhouse: ‘We Will Decide What’s Breast For You’

A major story in the health sector this week was about an FDA panel removing Avastin as an approved indication, in conjunction with the chemotherapy drug docetaxel, for metastatic (spreading) breast cancer. Well, that’s the major story for the general public. The major story for me was that in Spokane, Washington, agents from the FDA  engaged in a legal home…

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Sitting Out the E. Coli Scare with MMS

The new wave of stories about illness and death make the following points increasingly obvious: Just how little we know about ourselves, meaning our metabolic, mental, spiritual, and imaginal nature, How having money, or throwing money at a problem, is no guarantor of solution, and will more likely escalate the problem. The newest scare is out of Germany. It involves…

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Slammers can Come and Go: MMS Roles On

A new “anti-MMS” article was brought to my attention this week. This one, written by Sara Vaughter, a nutritionist, has her conclusion in the title, “No Miracle, No Mineral, No Solution.” Cute. She and I agree that MMS is no miracle, but that’s where the agreement ends. Vaughter’s commentary on the chlorine dioxide disinfection (CDD) method introduced by Jim Humble…

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Autism and the Bigger Problem(s)

The puzzle of autism.

Before they put the subject of autism back in mothballs for another year, I am pleased to post my conversation with Kerri Rivera, who runs AutismO2 (, a non-profit clinic for autistic children in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Each year, when awareness about a particular disease is “raised” we end up thinking that we’re falling behind on resolving it, and that…

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Notes From Outside the ‘Autism’ Box

April is Autism Awareness month in America. What does that mean? It means that this is the time for Americans to be “educated” on how bad Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is, how complicated the cure must be, and are encouraged to be more tacitly accepting of (1) the disorder, (2) the CURRENT explanations as to why it happens, and (3)…

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Notes From the Road: Thoughts on Authenticity

KANSAS CITY, MO – It’s just a few hours before I wing back home after a fly/drive road trip that included time in four different states – Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, and Kansas. Illinois had been on the list, but has been rescheduled. Only sporadic access to a good WI-FI signal and full days of activity favored observation over participation in…

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A Little Good News Amid Much Fear

With all the fear and panic going around related to the possible effects of nuclear radiation, let me break up the angst with a little mundane good news. A young lady from Greece visited this blog in December 2010, looking for some guidance as to how to use MMS to help eradicate an HSV1 and HSV2 (Herpes Simplex Virus) condition…

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An MMS Potpourri

It is ironic how we have made distrust of personal experience the rule rather than the exception, in an attempt to give dominion to professional biases and impersonal conjecture over outcomes that really happened. This appears to be the modus operandi of critics of MMS. It’s not limited to MMS though… it applies to virtually any method that can be…

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Sircus On MMS: A Response

You had to know that the new article by Mark Sircus, Magical Mineral Supplement (MMS), would be brought to my attention. Since I’m on his mailing list, I was aware of it already. And why not? While I don’t really treat anyone, or even advise people for a living, I have had a thing or two to say about MMS.…

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