Does the Government ‘Own’ You?

Have you looked at the meaning of the word government lately? Merriam-Webster’s top definition is: the act or process of governing; specifically : authoritative direction or control. While some have danced around the question of whether the meaning, and by inference, purpose of government is authoritative control of the mind, I’d like to call attention to the question of authority itself.…

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Dancing in ‘The Door’

On Wednesday, September 18, 2013, I’ll be a guest on the Proof Negative Show on, in the second hour (7pm PST). Breaking with my pattern of the past, I thought I’d let you know ahead of time, instead of after the fact. One possible topic: water, as I have actively resumed an advocacy of high-spin, energy rich, water transformation…

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Lifting the Veil to Our Own Intrinsic, Inalienable Value

From time to time I’ve touched on the idea that the country and world we live in today, is one colossal deception, a monumental fiction, the sheer ubiquity of which is hard to fathom, as well as believe. Lies routinely masquerade and parade as truth. Deception, secrecy, and “need to know,” are now the rule, without question. “Authority,” “surveillance,” and…

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Freedom and the Suggesters of Untrue Truths

With the celebration of our nation’s independence, the July 4th holiday can be bittersweet if you perceive freedom in a form that is characterized by joyfulness, health, abundance, and are not on constant alert from some perceived threat or “enemy,” whether foreign, cosmic, or within. From microscopic bacteria and meteorites the size of Mount Everest, to plasma bursts many times…

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Fox (FDA) to Henhouse: ‘We Will Decide What’s Breast For You’

A major story in the health sector this week was about an FDA panel removing Avastin as an approved indication, in conjunction with the chemotherapy drug docetaxel, for metastatic (spreading) breast cancer. Well, that’s the major story for the general public. The major story for me was that in Spokane, Washington, agents from the FDA  engaged in a legal home…

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