BP's Myopic Vision: Unnecessary Environmental Damage as Simple as '1, 2, 3'

There’s an emergency in the Gulf of Mexico, still. Even with the wellhead apparently capped, there is a state of emergency. This evening I watched a documentary on the National Geographic Channel about the progress that has been made in the Gulf, including the apparent success at finally capping the well. Yet, while the work that is going on down…

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All the News that's fit to DELETE!

It took me three days to produce and publish this video, but the delay helped me see what may be a more disturbing trend. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGlnOkU6KPA] Amid the rancor and ruckus of shock, turmoil, and indignation about the Gulf oil spill and (lack of) cleanup operations, we now have a case of disappearing news. A story that appeared on CNN.com on…

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Healing the Gulf as Prelude to Paradigm Shift in Health Remediation

Albert Einstein has often been quoted as saying that you can’t solve a problem while thinking at the level of the problem. That statement has never been truer than in the present Gulf oil spill debacle. The problem is that BP, and its entire supporting infrastructure, which includes the petrochemical industry, various centers of academic influence (otherwise known as “leading…

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Cleaning Up the Gulf: More Thoughts on Bioremediation

Bioremediation is a term that should be search and researched by every human who is looking for workable solutions to our environmental problems, the Gulf oil spill being the latest. Problems have a habit of getting larger the more we ignore, excuse, or rationalize them. They don’t go away. Sometimes when faced with a problem, we truly don’t know we…

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Gulf Oil Cleanup: Where's Bioremediation When We NEED It? And Why Isn't It Here?

The situation in the Gulf of Mexico has become personal. How well we respond to this very RESOLVABLE situation is a litmus test for EVERYTHING, not just how we do business, but our education system as well. I have driven over 1,000 miles in the past week, first to meet and interview three prominent microbiologists at the ASM Conference in…

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