Memorial Day Remembrances: Where’s the Growth?

It’s Memorial Day in America, a time set aside to remember the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. However, occasions like these are more often used to reinforce social misconceptions and dysfunction than provide understandings that we can grow from.

News reports will feature stories of our troops in foreign lands who are “fighting to keep us safe,” without a single word or thought given to the intolerant, incendiary policies or the corporate interests that their “fighting” and sacrifices – to life, limb, and family – tend to maintain.

Each side in a conflict pictures itself as “good” in contrast to “the enemy” who is “bad,” or evil. This is far worse than believing in the Easter Bunny. The fairy tales that we have brought to life have truly been grim.

That said, I foresee a day when such sacrifice, and the deceptions that have sustained them for so long, are no more. If we are the creators of our experience, then the power and responsibility to make cooperation, friendship, health, wholeness, and abundance the centerpiece of our relationships belongs to each of us. Discovering how to use our power responsibly (instead of the oxymoron of “drinking responsibly”) would indeed appear to offer the greatest rewards to anyone willing to embark on such an important inward journey.

Speaking of inward journeys, I am cruising through Far Journeys (1985 Doubleday/Broadway Books), the second of Robert A. Monroe’s trilogy of insights gained from his out-of-body experiences (OOBE’s). The first title of this collection is Journeys Out of the Body (1974), with the last one being Ultimate Journey (1995). OOBE’s, which involve the conscious choice to, and process of temporary physical dislocation (while the body “sleeps”), are not to be mistaken for “near death experiences (NDE’s), which tend to happen under conditions best described as anything but “voluntary.”

While the conditions that led to Monroe’s discoveries appeared to be random or “by chance,” (even though we know there’s no such thing), his response was that of a true scientist. He didn’t look for peer-reviewed papers on the phenomena and dismiss it for lack of said coverage. He didn’t sit back and wait for a prestigious university to deign a passing interest in the subject and throw it a morsel of an opinion. He independently and courageously stepped beyond both his own unfamiliarity with the phenomenon that he was experiencing, as well as the fears that it unveiled within himself, eventually organizing and funding the research on his own.

Re$earch $cientists rarely do such things. Like attorneys and taxi drivers, if the meter isn’t running and the trip doesn’t have a paying fare, they won’t go anywhere. On the other hand, if there is a paying fare, they will go where they’re told.

So much for my thoughts on the present state of affairs in the $cientific Method. What caught my eye in Far Journeys were the following realizations that had become apparent as Monroe was on a trip to one of what he describes as “rings” that encircle the Earth.

Flowing through all of us is a coherent energy that is our creation, that displays immensely the reality of the whole being greater than the sum of the parts. Our ability and knowledge seem without limit, yet we know at this point such is valid only within the energy systems of our experience. We can create time as we wish or the need arises, reshaping and modifying within the percept itself. We can create matter from other energy patterns, or change the structure thereof to any degree desired, including reversion to original form. We can create, enhance, alter, modulate, or eradicate any percept within the energy fields of our experience. We can transform any such energy field one into another or others except for that which we are. We cannot create or comprehend our prime energy until we are complete.

This passage and journey, written and published before the Grabovoi and Petrov works, embodies and expresses many of the same precepts.

A skeptic might argue against the factual basis of such “unsanctioned” ideas on the logic that they’ve seen (or recognized) no evidence of such ability, or because current scientific understanding would deem that such actions are “impossible.” Therefore, one doesn’t even venture an effort to confirm the new truth for himself if better credentialed and funded others haven’t already done so. Yet, the lack of confirmation by credentialed and funded others becomes the reason for a skeptic to be justified in said skepticism without any effort to listen to, or apply rational thought of his or her own.

The idea that “We can create time as we wish or the need arises, reshaping and modifying within the percept itself,” suggests that time is elastic and more pliable than generally believed. I can certainly attest that it seems to be moving faster today than it did as recently as a few years ago.

The idea that “We can create matter from other energy patterns, or change the structure thereof to any degree desired, including reversion to original form,” speaks directly to the precepts of Grabovoi’s teachings.

Monroe gained the insight after he had demonstrated his readiness to enter a realm (or “ring”) of energy and information that had, on previous OOBE’s, made him uncomfortable. When he first became aware of the ring, he wasn’t vibrationally compatible with it. He had been previously helped to visit the reality because he wanted to see, with his own eyes, a friend of his who had passed over while on a European vacation. He was in his 70’s, and had been a doctor in that most recent earthly life.

When Monroe did see his friend, he hardly recognized him, as he was full of vitality, and appeared to be in his 20’s. They didn’t know each other during the lifetime when the doctor was a young man in his 20’s. However, during a subsequent visit to see the doctor’s widow (in his physical body), Monroe was shown photographs of her husband, taken when he was a young man in his twenties. Sure enough, it was the spitting image of young man Monroe saw during his journey out-of-body.

What all this means is that we have far more to understand about who and what we are than $cience, religions, or our education systems have led us to believe and think.

Anything that is within our field of perception is malleable. If it’s in our field of perception (i.e., the “percept” that Monroe referred to), it’s in our experience. We can change the structure of it all, including “reversion to original form.”

One stipulation curiously missing from the Monroe realizations, was the suggestion that any of these amazing changes required a drug, doctor’s note, FDA approval, or even agreement by any one other than the creator of the experience itself.

The idea that we can consciously journey to realms where we may encounter “the dead,” will make some people shudder, yet we give barely a second about training and sending young soldiers, who know not what they do, to “kill.” If we knew that we will eventually feel the effect that we had on every soul impacted by our actions during earthly life, I wonder how many would still be so eager to take aim at another and pull the trigger.

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0 Thoughts to “Memorial Day Remembrances: Where’s the Growth?”

  1. Kathleen

    Thank you. Such an important discussion on this highly-manipulated day of remembrance. Thank you for your unceasing exploration and revelations of who we really are.

  2. Leigh

    Is the whole world studying OBE’s? I am doing a Dreams and OBE course now and wasn’t sure about taking it further. You have inspired me again. Thank you Adam. Well written.

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