Looking Beyond 'The Collapse' with Open Eyes

While most of the world is now on “collapse watch,” it seems that very few are giving much attention to what’ll we do if (or when) “the worst” of what we’re watching for actually comes to pass. I’m not convinced that the collapse of the monetary system, as presently practiced, is a bad thing. Its demise may arbor tough times, but they will be temporary. Continuing to prop it up portends not more of the same of what we’re presently experiencing, but more extreme examples thereof. That’s where the real problem lies.

The videos below give easy to understand presentations of how things are right now, and make it clear as to why it’s a road we mustn’t take any longer.

It’s amazing that only a few thousand people have seen this first one. It should be run on national TV, during the World Series, or at the half-time of the Superbowl. It’s far more important than both (which is why few people have seen it).


When politicians can be straight faced in asking for $700,000,000,000, or in reporting that $2,300,000,000,000 has been misplaced, and is missing or unaccounted for, why should one more penny be given?


The most profound statement that president Bush could muster in explaining the need for the $700,000,000,000 bailout was: “The risk of doing nothing far outweighed the risk of the package.”

In other words (and I’m paraphrasing here), “The only viable options I can come up with to offer the American People is the package, or nothing.” Congressman Ron Paul offered quite a few other viable options that should have been earnestly discussed and considered before ramming this measure through.

However, the only objective that they had was to do just that, ram it through, and so it was done.


However, now that it has happened, which means, more of the same, let’s look ahead.

I’ll suggest here, and I discussed this when I had Sheldan Nidle as a guest on a recent Talk For Food podcast, that once the monetary system collapses, the health care system will likely follow suit. It is another house of cards that has long been out of integrity. We have sought to maintain the appearance of health care, while actually succeeding at disease management.

The fall of the health care system would appear to be a tragedy on top of a travesty, if there were no viable replacement strategies available, then we’d really have a problem. However, that’s not the case. All we’re really lacking is a little understanding, and what we’ll have is a LOT of incentive to learn more. As I see it, that’ll be a good thing.

I’ll have more to say on this subject in upcoming posts.

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One Thought to “Looking Beyond 'The Collapse' with Open Eyes”

  1. Hello,

    So, why should all of humanity be forced to suffer and struggle any longer, now that the entire global financial system has been exposed as a mind-boggling deception, within many other deceptions? No one in their right mind would continue to be enslaved by a proven deception, which is also proven to be undeniable slavery-by-proxy !!!

    The derivatives scams alone have grown to more than 10-times the entire global GDP (at last counting) and are now failing because the scam/pyramid scheme broke and exposed the deception for all to see. A significant portion of global wealth and power was created and propped-up using these and other now-proven smoke and mirrors and house of cards illusions and delusions.

    These deceptions have grown many times larger than the rest of the entire world economy. Consequently, there is no way that all of the world’s governments combined, who themselves borrow so-called “money” from other central-bank smoke and mirror deceptions, can solve this debacle, by using more smoke and mirrors money scams. The only solutions they are offering will take centuries to repay, if ever.

    Here is Wisdom…

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