Understanding MMS Video Diary Epilogue

Alcatraz Island, Bahia de Kino, Sonora, Mexico

Now the work begins… or shall I say, continues.

I’ve had a chance to decompress from my journey to Hermosillo and several days with MMS protocol developer, Jim Humble. For anyone interested in this subject — and the more than 10,000 people who have thus far read my original article, “No Miracle, Just Wonderful Chemistry” suggests that there is great interest, and it is rising — it was and is natural to assume that they’d not only be interested in the MMS protocol, but in the man who developed it.

There’d be no interest to speak of (at least not of the positive kind) if people weren’t experiencing some type of positive result from using MMS. And, as more people see positive results from MMS use (and tell others that they know who may have similar health challenges), it’s natural to want to explain why such results are possible with MMS, especially when they encounter naysayers who swear or even suggest, erroneously, that MMS is chlorine.

Jim Humble and Adam Abraham

Over several lunch and dinner conversations, it became clear to me that Jim has a deep appreciation for humanity, and a desire to see the end of needless suffering. His desire to travel to Africa and help rid the country of malaria is not so much out of a love for the country or its people. He sees it as a country whose people and governments may be more open and willing to use the protocol, the results of which would catch the attention and interest of other countries (including our own U.S. of A). The “cat” of public awareness would then definitely be out of the bag, and there would be no more containing it. I believe there’ll be no containing it anyway, as we become aware of the real issues that affect our health.

As to what those real issues are, another thing that became apparent during my trip, is that the point of using MMS is not about “curing” disease. It is simply about safely removing anaerobic microorganisms — bacteria and viruses and the toxic waste they produce, plus accumulations of heavy metal deposits and parasites, from the body.

Some people don’t want to admit to themselves that they may have parasites or microorganisms in their body. But again, it’s not about having them. Microorganisms of all kinds are able to live in harmony when their populations are in balance. Each serves a beneficial function and purpose by its existence. It’s when we have an overgrowth of the anaerobic variety, which thrive in an oxygen poor environment, that the real health problems begin.

If you plug up your nostrils and constrict the flow of oxygen into the lungs, your entire physical organism will begin the death process in minutes. It will go directly to death, and not even bother with the way station of disease. This happens on a much smaller scale within the body, in localized areas when oxygen delivery is constricted. Cells die, and the decay process begins. Functionality is first curtailed, then begins shutting down, unless some form of survival mechanism is called upon. Cell mutation is one such survival mechanism that the body employs to prolong the life of its host spirit. That would be you and me. These cells mutate into a form that does not require oxygen. It’s not the preferred way to go, but it achieves the objective of prolonging a physical life that would otherwise be much shorter.

However, the beauty of the life a cell is that if the flow of oxygen is restored at the cellular level, the body will again produce new, healthy, oxygen absorbing cells, and the anaerobic population, which includes cancerous growths and a wide variety of tumors, will eventually shrink and disappear. They are not afraid of death, and will leave on their own when we create an inner environment that doesn’t call upon them. So MMS is an answer to an ecological problem more so than a problem of disease. I intend to call this issue out in video program.

We are concerned about global warming, and preserving the ecological balance of our planet, and are blind to the veritable wastelands that our bodies have become. We are so ineffective at weight loss diets that some people have tried to make being fat or obese into a disease. It’s not. It’s a simple matter of ecological imbalance and the resultant toxic overload.

Mr. Humble also affirmed, as many other knowledgeable people who support MMS use have asserted, that MMS is not an elixir of health. It is an oxidizer of pathogens. It is one aspect to the human ecology cleanup process. Getting more oxygen into each cell of the body is key, and this can be done through deep breathing exercises (see breathing.com), and better hydration. Mineral replenishment is also important. I’ve written frequently about transdermal intake of magnesium chloride (Jim even has my book, Transdermal Magnesium Therapy). Mineral replenishment activates the body the body again, allowing hormone, enzyme, and energy production while alkalizing the body chemistry. Toxin removal without mineral replenishment helps restore ecological balance, but not nearly as effectively as with mineral nutrients.understanding-mms-video.jpg

Replenishment of beneficial microorganisms can also help restore ecological balance inside the body. Listen to my interview with Matthew Wood, Founder and Chairman of Sustainable Community Development, on how effective microorganism technology works on our behalf, not only commercially and environmentally, but internally.

Tomorrow I will go before my camera once again and summarize what the video program is about, which I will edit (including some clips shot last week) and post to this blog. [Done, see below.]


Then I’ll get to editing. [Started]

If this subject is important to you, or you want to better explain it to those you love, you’ll want to order the video, which you can do by following the link.

You see, when you understand that it’s not about curing a disease, but removing toxicity, you’ll also understand that this is a right that government can’t take from you. Our government cannot mandate that we’ll take and maintain a toxic load, no matter how pervasive it may be. It cannot prevent us from taking steps to remove said toxins, once we know we need to, and that there are safe, effective, and reasonably priced ways to do it. That’s all MMS is, an effective and reasonably priced way to remove toxins from our body, at concentrations that are safe to us, but deadly for the toxins.

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3 Thoughts to “Understanding MMS Video Diary Epilogue”

  1. Dawn Alvarez

    I did not realize that you edited Mark Sircus’s book,Transdermal Magnesium Therapy. This is the same Mark Sircus who “slammed” MMS. Have you been able to change Mark’s mind? I haven’t seen any retraction in his IMVA Newsletters.

  2. rick

    well said.. clarity is so often difficult to come by..
    and the reality is dis-ease mostly occurs when toxic levels reach a acidic state that create havoc of some sort- and as you say lack of oxygen supports the baddies..(Interesting that Dr Warburg in ’31 got a Nobel Prize for showing that cancer cells don’t like a oxygen rich environment..the ‘establishment’ of course chose to ignore his work..) Hope you have the info re obtaining a supply of MMS here in Mexico. Glad to hear they are making it here. Keep up the good works amigo.. rick

  3. rick

    well said.. clarity is so often difficult to come by..
    and the reality is dis-ease mostly occurs when toxic levels reach a acidic state that create havoc of some sort- and as you say lack of oxygen supports the baddies..(Interesting that Dr Warburg in ’31 got a Nobel Prize for showing that cancer cells don’t like a oxygen rich environment..the ‘establishment’ of course chose to ignore his work..) Hope you have the info re obtaining a supply of MMS here in Mexico. Glad to hear they are making it here. Keep up the good works amigo.. rick

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