Health and Healing: Where 'Silver Bullets' Lie

Each day I have had the privilege of talking to many people who are now doing battle with the disease monkey. They’re not taking it laying down anymore. They are combating everything from “the familiar,” heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer, to the unfamiliar, such as Graves, Dercum’s or Morgellon’s disease. If they are talking to me, it’s because they have chosen to forego traditional allopathic approaches in favor of natural ones. They do not seek me out as a practitioner. I simply explain what certain modalities do.

I also speak to practitioners, some of whom are naturopathic doctors. I’ve spoken to several retired MD’s who lost dearly loved ones to what they now realize were naturally treatable diseases, and are now trying to mitigate the effects of traditional treatment modalities and practices that have come to bear on their own health.

These are signs of positive change; a quiet but growing awareness that a fundamental shift is in order, and is in progress.

Some people express concern about the FDA, and opine that it, or the people who run it, don’t want to allow us to have natural remedies. They say that the FDA is in the pocket of the pharmaceutical industry, which is concerned more about increasing profits than well being. If they could have us taking their drugs and functioning reasonably well, I’m sure they’d be more than happy. But functioning well is not the same as being healthy, and drug therapies do not give us what our bodies need to maintain or restore health; i.e., mineral nourishment.

In fact, most of the food that we eat don’t give us that either, which is a major part of our health problem. [It would be interesting to see to what extent, if any, that pharmaceutical firms own controlling interests in food producers — a practice that should be exposed and ended, if it exists.]

We are not giving ourselves the foundational minerals that our bodies need, with magnesium heading the list of the “missing in action.” A vast majority of the diseases that we’re “fighting” have calcium overgrowth as a common factor. All such diseases have acidic body chemistry as a common factor. Both of these conditions can only occur when magnesium levels have grown chronically low. And if we are not aware of, and thusly, don’t understand the connection, there’s no reason to expect this to change, with one exception, by reading this article, you have been informed. You are now on notice.

There are numerous authorities that have confirmed the idea that disease causing microorganisms, including the new menace, Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, cannot adversely affect a body that is chemically balanced, within the pH range of 7.3-7.4. Magnesium effectively raises the body’s pH. When taken through the skin in liquid form, it gets around the absorption problem that many people have when they have become chronically deficient.

Yet, when the alarm sounds for the next invasion, this simple awareness is not shared. Furthermore, those whose immune systems are compromised, and are in the acidic range, are not informed that they too can raise their pH. Of course, the doctor would have to explain why all of the drugs that he or she is using have the effect of further acidifying the patient’s body chemistry, thereby increasing their susceptibility to infection and disease.

These are issues that many doctors don’t want to talk about, probably because their profession in general remains staunch supporters of the status quo. Static drugs remain their primary weapons in this battle, which shall always remain easy marks for Mother Nature to learn to adjust to, and neutralize. The solutions that work, that alkalize the body and neutralize pathogens, are vastly less expensive and abundantly available. They nourish the body in ways that are meaningful and effective, which make the normalization of bodily processes and function possible. “Normalization” in this case, means healing, and health.

When it comes to healing, there are no silver bullets; no one thing that will solve all of our problems, whether health related or otherwise, and make them go away. At least, not in the world of matter, which is the realm of effect. But in the world of causes; the realm of mind and spirit, there is pain liberating, and disease mitigating information that, if embraced, can be converted into knowledge and understanding which, if exercised, empowers us to transcend disease. The choice is always ours, as is the power to believe, and to disbelieve.

The first step in that journey is an open mind, a belief in one’s innate power to heal, a willingness to let go and forgive the old ways, and to joyfully celebrate the new, healthy future we have set in motion now.

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