Making a New Deal: Raising One’s Self from ‘the Dead’

Each time I sit down to write, my thoughts immediately move to the mind and heart; and where they are, for where your mind and heart is, is where you are. Every word that issues forth; indeed, every thought, is then given with the health and well-being of every human being in mind. The same intent is behind every natural healing component and modality, and every behavior change suggested. However, while there is great healing power in all of these factors, when all is said and done, the real “deal maker” for you, will be you.

We are the “deal makers” for our health and healing tomorrow, as we were for today’s disease. As we were making ourselves susceptible to disease, we weren’t aware. We knew not what we were doing. It’s time that we KNOW BETTER, now. 

Knowing that we don’t have to, who would consciously choose to make themselves sick? Yet, many of us do so out of ignorance. We don’t know what we don’t know. Part of what we tend not to know or accept, is our innate ability to transmute and transcend disease. It’s God-given, but under-expressed. No one would express sickness and pain if they KNEW better.

It’s time that we KNOW BETTER, now.

Our power to heal doesn’t manifest itself without activated awareness. It generally takes enough experiences of disease before we open ourselves to understanding what I’ll call, The Why Within.

That’s not a “bad” thing; it’s just part of our way as human beings. One thing we can say is that experiences born of our ignorance serve as catalysts to our willingness to see things differently, including life, our relationships, and ourselves. With mind and heart open to positive change, positive change is far more likely based on the increased awareness and understanding we’ve gained.

The more positive that we are about our ability to be well… that is, to heal, regain strength and vitality, the more likely the outcome. Even if it does not appear to be happening today, being positive makes the desired outcome more likely.

Being positive is not the same as thinking positive. You can think positively, and yet be negative. You can still question and doubt yourself and your ability, or those around you. You can still criticize others, or languish in self-pity rather than embrace the energy of transformation that is always available within you.

Your world and all that you hold dear may appear to be crumbling around you, but if you are positive, you gain the understanding that this is simply a set change on the great stage that is your life, as you prepare for your Next Great Act. The “cast and crew” may also change. If it serves your highest purpose, then welcome it without prejudice.

Take note as to whether you’re holding on to your disease because you’re afraid of letting certain people in your life go, even though they are harmful influences.

If I were to offer any advice, it would be to be positive about yourself, for things are never as “bad” as they seem, understanding that this may be hard to believe. On the other hand, life circumstances can always appear to be even worse. There’s no limit to how far down you can appear to go. Trust me on this. Once you understand this, you might as well begin to explore going up. There’s no limit in that direction either, but it’s much more satisfying.

Be grateful for the transformational tools that you have brought into your life to be part of this next great experience, and get ready for it. Prepare as if your life depends on transformation, whether physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual, for it does! If you’re getting ready for a joyful future now, then you’ll be creating that future, for yourself, now.

Taking this approach now will enhance your body’s positive response to the natural products that you are introducing to it. This includes products that nourish, such as magnesium chloride and ionic form, iodine, and iron, natural products that balance the body chemistry and detoxify, such as living clay and chelation products, and products that enhance and energize our water, such as Cosmic Energy Stones, Prill Beads, and Quantum Age Stir Wands.

While we will all end our sojourn on this planet one day, many people are “dying” well before their time. I’m not talking about the “death” of the body, but of our health. We have succumbed to the mindset of disease, unaware that it’s simply a deal we’ve made, which we can throw out and rewrite. “A deal with whom?” you ask. With our self, the one who is experiencing the disease. Who did you think I’d be talking about, the devil?

It could certainly seem that something much more nefarious and sinister is going on, since society is being systematically conditioned – through government action, business practices, and mass media – to accept a walking, medicated death, as being inevitable and unavoidable as we mature. We’re encouraged to embrace the perception of our immanent and inevitable death as early in life as possible. Children are coming down with autism, diabetes, and even cancer so young. We’ve become afraid… of our own shadows that we see, and of those that we don’t. Health no longer seems to be the rule, but the exception. 

Our fears are bringing more “enemies” out of the shadows that we should fear, and with the innocent trust of children, we do. Just ask your typical doctor. Well, it is true, until you know better.

Since many doctors, even allopathic ones, actually do seek to facilitate health and healing rather than disease management with their patients, I would be doing them, you, and myself a disservice to paint them in broad brush strokes. What’s important is that you care about your health and healing, and that you KNOW that your body naturally has the ability to return to health if you give it the power and nourishment it needs.

The power that triggers healing is love, joy and forgiveness, and a mind at peace. Sources of physiological nourishment can be found in various links in this essay. If you’re under a doctor’s care, he or she will get the message of what is important to you without you having to say a word. So I’ll close with the following wish to all who desire to raise your selves from ‘the dead.’

Live again, today, right NOW.
Love again, today, right NOW.
Laugh again, today, right NOW.
Change your life NOW.

KNOW better, be POSITIVE.

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0 Thoughts to “Making a New Deal: Raising One’s Self from ‘the Dead’”

  1. Great post! My hubby and I were both commenting today that believing in the “cure” is 50% of getting well. Being positive and living for today says it all!


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