'Homing In' to Real Solutions

Everyone has problems… or what we think of as problems. If we think of a situation as problematic, then it is. That is, until we see it differently. “Problems” are perceptions of duality; our take on what’s “right or wrong”, “good or bad,” “acceptable or unacceptable,” “pleasurable or painful,” etc.

If your head is aching, and is intensely painful, you’ve got a problem, right? If someone said, “here, take this pill and your head won’t hurt,” you’d probably jump at it. That’s what millions of people do. However, the little pill only “short circuits” how your body works, so that the problem that you really have — the physiological one — isn’t addressed at all. You still have a problem even though your nervous system has been temporarily numbed so that you don’t feel it.

Would you rather get rid of the pain? Or the problem? If you prefer the latter, which would include the former, then you need to favor real solutions over expedient ones.

Problems appear to be much easier to “see,” and therefore react to, when they are visible, active parts of everyday life. They will often have some form of “history” supporting them. They represent life situations we’d rather avoid, or want to get rid of. Real solutions challenge us to look beyond what appears to be obvious.

Real solutions take us into unfamiliar territory, and feelings. The feelings associated with problems tend to be familiar; dissonant, and don’t feel “good.” Yet, it behooves us to know that for every problem that we create, there is a real solution, which is also of our creation.

If the familiar problem has been predominant, we are obliged to search within ourselves for the feeling of the real solution; the one that really warms our heart, and become familiar with it.

We do not need to know the “what” or “how” of the real solution, or even the “why” of the problem, in order to connect to, and embrace the feeling we’re seeking. However, when doing so, the energy of the problem diminishes, as the energy of the solution builds.

Opening to, and feeling the real solution to our problems immediately changes our energy. FEEL the relief, joy, gratitude, vindication that is boiling within you and seeking expression. As you feel this energy, your attitude changes, as will your outlook, which will change the electromagnetic properties of your beingness, the literal “spin” of your subatomic foundation, thereby forming a new “homing signal,” a tractor beam for the answer to manifest itself in the here and now.

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0 Thoughts to “'Homing In' to Real Solutions”

  1. It’s Cause and Effect. Living superficially, without a sense of connection to the wisdom body, effects of problems are treated and addressed but the cause is left by the wayside. It is not easy at all as you say confronting the cause of our “problems” or symptoms. It means tearing apart the effect, digging into the roots of imbalance, and suppressing the ego’s reaction to the surgery. It is far easier to take the pill and be relieved. But that path leads to more pills and their consequences, and further away from reconciliation.

    Whenever my children have a fever I know that their body is reacting to a “problem” and though my husband and the medical community urge me to medicate the fever, I give some time to their own defenses to tackle the problem. Many times their own little bodies fight the good fight and the “problem” is solved. There have been a relatively small portion of fevers that have lead to medication.

    Dealing with the root cause of “problems” is an ongoing pursuit but once embarked upon a greater sense of self reliance emerges and less problems.


    Be well and enjoy the day.
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  2. so true so true so true!

    thank you

    love light and joy

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