Thoughts on God: Dealing with the Day-to-Day

For some, it might seem reasonable to think that musings on such subjects as God, love, oneness, and equality of beingness have no practical place in the day-to-day scheme of things. After all, we’ve got any number of other more “pressing” issues to think about. However, the fact is, our thoughts on God, relative to who we are, have everything to do with how we look at everything else. Even more importantly, whether we ultimately permit ourselves to make positive, conscious changes in our life; changes that often involve giving up guilt, pain, disease, judgment, and fear. And believe me, the more we are willing to love — self and others — the less fearful we become.

We might even think that such thoughts of being one with God, or being creators of our life experiences, are specious, if not heretical, especially if presented outside of a religious context, and not by a minister or “recognized” member of the clergy. It certainly used to be a question with me, but no longer. Then too, I was concerned about people disagreeing with my point of view, but now realize it’s okay. What’s important is that I’m clear on the state and health of my intent.

The old rationale was that ministers, priests, etc., are qualified to be the “go betweens” in spiritual matters, to interpret God’s will for us. The idea was that we can’t know such matters. I think it’s safe to say that a significant number of people are no longer listening to that “memo” any more. They are up opening to, and listening for their own Highest Voice, the God within… not only in an ecclesiastical way, but energetically, moment-to-moment, day-to-day. They can feel the presence of a love that doesn’t “need” anyone else in order to feel good about one’s self, yet connects us to all “others.”

I can now be so presumptuous to talk about God because I know that my opinion only has to be “right” for me. If it happens to resonate with your point of view, then we have the beginnings of a nice salad.

We are each Lord over our consciousness. Do we allow a full range of ideas about divinity, the nature of beingness, and our relationship to God, love, and oneness with each other? Or do we maintain a narrow list of what’s acceptable, that takes a polarizing “good/evil,” “worthy/unworthy,” “reward/punishment,” “right/wrong,” “righteous/sinner” stand? The choice is ours, as well as the experiential results of said choice, which cannot really be compared with anyone else’s, unless you examine thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, motives, and intention, which are all unseen.

What we believe, we energize. That’s free will. That’s how divinity works, whether it is presently evident to us, or not. However, when we are willing to see the evidence, it becomes evident to us, everywhere.

All members of the human family are equals in our power to create and experience the life of our highest dreams. That is, unless we believe we are not.

By its very nature, this life in physical form is a dream, irrespective of where on the spectrum of potential we are currently in the habit of manifesting, from the most wonderful of wonderful, to our worst nightmares.

A major difference between living a wonderful dream of a life and a living nightmare, is that the latter requires and involves less awareness to manifest. It also requires less love, patience, faith, tolerance, and self-respect. The word “less” in this case is not a value judgment. It is simply descriptive of comparable activation.

Love activates transformational and transcendent powers within us. If we are not living a transcendent life of our heart, then it’s because there are deeper, more profound dimensions of love awaiting our discovery. They are opened by our openness, and accessed by our intent and belief. As we live our beliefs day-to-day, they become knowing, and the foundation for new exploration into even deeper (and higher) levels of love.

By the way, love is Infinite… 

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