Thoughts on Health: Tuberculosis 'Gnosis'

The U.S. government has issued an “isolation order” for a man who contracted a drug resistant strain of tuberculosis, reported by Reuters, on fear that he may have exposed fellow travelers on two trans-Atlantic trips to the disease. This is the first time an isolation order had been issued since 1963, and illustrates how our collective ignorance, along with our medical establishment’s dismissal of the human body/mineral connection, puts us at risk — through complacency — more than any bacteria yet discovered. In addition to jeopardizing our peace of mind, it jeopardizes our freedom.

As I did for autism recently, I Googled tuberculosis, and found a lot of information about what is believed to cause it. According to the Cedars Sinai web site:

Tuberculosis is a contagious infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is carried through the air. Tuberculosis usually affects the lungs, but it can attack almost any area of the body.

Since anti-tuberculosis antibiotics were developed in the 1940s, tuberculosis has been taken less seriously than it once was. A variety of factors, however, had made it a growing health concern, including shrinking public health resources, more people with weakened immune systems due to AIDS, increasing resistance to antibiotics and extreme poverty in many parts of the world.

Of course, this got me to thinking.

Notice that the listed causal factors are inferred to all be beyond any personal control; nothing that you or I can exercise any action on. Only our doctors, medical authorities, and government need be concerned.

They suggest that only people with weakened immune systems due to AIDS are impacted. A reader will immediately think that if they don’t have AIDS, his or her immune system isn’t “weakened.” However, since most people don’t have AIDS, but are still admonished to be vigilant about TB contamination, it is inferred to be able to take anyone down. If this were so, contamination would be a guarantee, not merely a risk factor.

The reference to the bacteria’s “increasing resistance to antibiotics” suggests a need for even more “powerful” (i.e., lethal) drugs. No natural modalities need apply, be considered, or taken seriously, such as magnesium replenishment and mineral balancing, even though they alone can make you stronger than any bacteria.

It’s fine with me if you doubt my speculation, but take note that of those who are exposed to the TB bacteria, all will not be infected, just like all did not die of the bubonic plague. During that time, the difference between who lived, and who died, rested in the integrity of the immune system, which can differ widely from one person to the next. The immune system’s integrity is directly affected by mineral sufficiency and balance. Among the missing to the great detriment of our health, are magnesium and iodine.

Tuberculosis kills about 1.6 million people annually, with the highest number in Africa. It is spread through the air when infectious people cough, sneeze, talk or spit.

Our standard remedy: wear masks, don’t touch, avoid contact, isolate. An intelligent remedy: mineral replenishment and balancing treatments. There is enough liquid magnesium chloride to go around, at a cost that would be far less than ineffective antibiotics.

Now we’re faced with the real question: do we really give a damn about these people? Do we really care about ourselves?

Some TB bacilli acquire the ability to beat most medications, requiring extra medical efforts that often are impossible in the developing nations where tuberculosis exacts its highest death toll.

Of course they do, because the medications don’t remove the real problem that caused the onset of susceptibility; which is mineral imbalance or malnourishment. By continuing to suggest — through press releases, news stories, and smear campaigns and legislation against natural supplements — that the medications are actual solutions, we tend to overlook, ignore, or don’t even seek real ones.

And by continuing to think that only drugs will help those who are infected by the TB virus, we console ourselves in our good, but ineffective intentions, while millions die needless deaths.

In the mean time, the public continues to believe that it is vulnerable to, and has to be on the look out (code word, fear) for, invisible bugs and covert terrorists. We are also being asked to stand silent, while the government maintains its increasingly intrusive foreign and domestic policies, while whitling away at the personal freedom of its citizens, all for our “common good.”

We need to overhaul our “gnostic traditions” with respect to our body (plus mind and spirit) and the causes of disease. Mineral sufficiency and balance is a goal and responsibility that each citizen can assume for one’s self. And since replenishment and balancing protocols are not yet the rule in standard medical practice, it’s something we need to assume in order to lower the odds of needing to be under medical care.

Your health, would be a wonderful consequence.

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