Considering the Possibilities of Our God-ness

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In many of these essays I invite each reader to consider the question of who and what we are. Why? Because the answer has everything to do with what we will allow to be possible in our lives. Irrespective of what anyone else does, successes or failures, you are the prime director of what happens in your life, as I am the prime director of mine.

Some people would assert that God is the prime director, and on some level, this is so. But to be granted Free Will means the power to direct and change the course and flow of our lives must rest with us. On the other hand, it can’t be a surprise to anyone who has read more than a couple of my postings here, that from my perspective, each human being as an expression of God.

You see how the question of who and what we are is important? Consider those of you who aren’t comfortable thinking that you and God are connected, or figure I’m pretty arrogant to think that God and I are. I dare say that every conscious human being is aware of the idea of God; irrespective of the name associated. It’s no mistake. We’re aware of the idea to figure out our relationship. If we consider ourselves kindred, then it would mean we’re immortal. If we accept the idea that we’re not our physical body, but are made up of living energy called spirit instead, it could relieve a lot of pressure to “act” according to notions associated with our appearance.

Genius is at the core of who we are. Do you feel that? Or do you think you’re insignificant, and not overly intelligent? Is that what you’ve been told? Rarely do we stop and think about the bulk of our ACTions being mostly an ACT, and not motivated by a love for what we’re doing. Do we even dare do that?

How many people see Jesus Christ as the “only begotten son” of God? How many see Muhammed as the only prophet? What does that say about them? What permission do these people give themselves to transcend the thinking of the times that their leaders walked the earth in?

Who you are is one of the most important questions you will ever answer. It’s so important, that for most of your formative years, someone is going to be trying to tell you who you are. And in fact, you’ll most likely believe them. I believe that is changing though. We have a generation of children entering our world who didn’t forget as much about who they are, as my generation and those before it forgot upon its entry.

Can we change the world? Indeed, we can, as more of us remember who we really are, and start being our loving selves. If you’re living, and God is the omnipresent life giver, how can God not be “in” you??? Saying it is not so doesn’t make it not so, because of the overwhelming evidence of your existence. You ex-ist. I ex-ist. Our disconnect from God, and each other, is only by appearances. The connection is internal and interdimensional. Yet, like the oxygen that we must breath to sustain our bodies but cannot see, we must begin appreciating and celebrating a connection with eternity.

Consider the possibilities of your God-ness.

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