Kryon Live in Tucson

Kryon Tucson Presentation Screen

Part I

Tucson Arizona offers many places to stimulate a sense of history, beauty, and awe, and our recent journey to Southern Arizona’s principle city did all that, and more, but in a way that you might not expect. We attended author Lee Carroll’s annual visit to Arizona who, both as a speaker and channel for Kryon, took us on a most fantastic journey within.

Who is Kryon?

Kryon, of magnetic service, describes himself as a being who has never experienced physical incarnation. However, “he” (for lack of a better word) became involved with the planet earth after the Harmonic Convergence, of 1987, an event that appeared to have little overt significance at the time. Yet, a scant two years after that gathering for peace, the Soviet Union fell, officially signalling the end of the Cold War.

While I’ve read many channeled works over the past 25 years, I’ve only recently discovered the Kryon material, which presently consists of 11 books. Book One, The End Times: (New information for personal peace) was first published in 1993. I picked up a used copy in Changing Hands bookstore (Tempe), and immediately saw something that immediately drew my interest. Speaking through Lee, Kryon strongly hinted that there are significantly better ways to deal with nuclear waste than packing them up in containers, coring out a mountain or mine, storing them there and sealing the place up. In fact, he said that this strategy is not really viable because the corrosive effect of the material would eventually eat through the metal containers, and seep into the ground.

Lee Carroll in Tucson (January 2007)

Though intuitively, I have always felt a better way of “disarming” radioactive wastes must exist, the “store it and forget it” strategy is the best approach that anyone has come up with thus far. I really wanted to know what Kryon had to say. Since we were on the same wavelength, I purchased Book One, Book Two Don’t Think Like a Human, and Book Three Alchemy of the Spirit, and started reading.

Six books into the series, it has been one fine journey indeed. Kryon’s ideas and message encourages, and inspires all to know, embrace, and love who they are. He implores readers to accept that they are expressions of God, divinely empowered to make an indelible impression, not only on the Earth, but throughout the Universe itself. Some might think this notion is too good, or arrogant, to be true. On the other hand, what if it actually is?

A former sound engineer, Carroll was reluctant to embrace his gift. Very much the skeptic, but open minded enough to not overlook the signs when two entirely different intuitives connected him with an, at that time unknown “entity” by the name of “KRYON.” Talk about faith!

I can appreciate how it must feel to be out on the outer edge of thought, and trusting that the message to be delivered will benefit those who embrace it, and do no harm to those that do not. In other words, Kryon’s messages are overflowing with love for all, and compassion for non-believers.

In addition to the books, I have read or listened to other Kryon channelings, done over the past few years and available on their web site ( The accessibility that they grant to their information is most appreciated, as it allows you to get a true feeling without a requisite expense. The books are there for those who want them, but the energy is available to all. So having had a healthy dose of virtual “Kryonics” by this time it was a delight to look forward to a live session. He didn’t disappoint.

Stay tuned…

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