Thoughts on Reality Creation: Beyond Physicality

[NOTE: Since we have recently illustrated the fact that we have literally been space travelers for quite some time (and as such, beings of the universe), the following essay, which I originally wrote in 1997, before I wrote I Am My Body, NOT!, addresses possible motivations that timeless beings might have for entering the dimension of time. This in fact, is the first essay wherein I make reference to René Descartes.]

Why Would a ‘Being of the Universe’ Choose to be ‘Physical?’

Creator’s Choice

One of the fundamental questions, not of our time, but of human existence, is “Who are we?” And throughout human existence, contemplative individuals have attempted to answer that question. Their postulatory “answers” tend to echo and reverberate throughout history. The simple sentence, “I think, therefore, I am” offered by great French mathematician, scientist, and philosopher René Descartes (1596-1650) is one such example. It offers a simple, yet universally identifiable truth to the question of who we are.

This essay advances the theory that humans are beings made up of what might best be described as a spiritual, though not necessarily religious nature. The former word describes the essential “substance” of human beingness while the latter represents a belief system about beingness. To speak of the spirit, or of that which is spiritual does not automatically equate to the subject of religion. Yet, the two words are often thought to be synonymous, and used synonymously.

Human beingness is, in essence, comprised of an aware, living, indestructible, independent, immortal component (i.e., spirit/consciousness), and a dependent, mortal one that we call the physical body. By virtue of an ingenious design, a will, and living electromagnetic dynamics, we simultaneously “wear” and operate physical bodies during our travels through time in earthly space. The real “place” wherein our experiences and interactions with others occur is in a dimension, though not necessarily what we think of as “time.”

Given the permanence of energy, and the “non-linearity” of dimension, it is unlikely that “life,” as we know it, begins with physical birth. Yet, the design of the physical form that human beings have naturally selected, or in some way, have created, could indeed be the effect of evolution, as we think of it. While conjoined in purpose, these are two separate and distinct paths: one is causal in nature (the experiential path of the “individualized” being or spirit), the other, an effect that serves said cause on Earth (the physical body).

This line of thinking therefore takes us to the postulation that life does not end with “death.” Instead, when one’s final moment on Earth arrives, the dimension in which we focus our consciousness will change. Furthermore, while the immediate surroundings may also change, the “ripple effect” of one’s life choices and actions – meaning the repercussions – are likely to continue playing out in their totality, to the point where unbiased truth is realized and acknowledged, after one’s “exit” from Earth. These will be weighed against that which was the true purpose and intent behind our choosing the earth journey in the first place.

If any part of these speculations is true, the implications for each one of us are monumental. First, it allows us to begin contemplating a life that we may already be experiencing—in other parts of the universe, i.e., on other planets, constellations and galaxies, and so on—right now. It also gives new context to memories that we sometimes can recall from dreams, some of which are so visceral and vivid as to be as real as any memory that is based on physical encounters. Most importantly, embracing the attitude that we are “citizens of the universe” can cause us to examine our attitudes in this world, and the quality of our interactions with our fellow “experiencers,” encouraging us to honor each other now with love, truth, and respect.

That would be a good thing.

Embracing the idea that “death” is a myth and life is everlasting does not diminish the value of our life on Earth. Indeed, life can be greatly enhanced. If we are “here,” it is because we have chosen to come, with the cooperation of two—already “physically associated” beings—who will be regarded as our parents. They will have conceived a physical form for us to indwell and express our thoughts and energies through.
The circumstances associated with the conception and birth of our physical body is an entirely individual issue. However, the mechanics of the process is clear. There is (still) only one way by which a human body can be “produced,” and that is through the impregnation of a female human egg with male human sperm, and the subsequent care and gestation of the resulting fetus in the female’s womb. The most common way this process is achieved is through male/female sexual intercourse. However, given the potential energetic “turbulence” that could result from two beings sharing the same dimensional “space,” logic suggests that the fetal gestation process only produces the physical form: not the being that “indwells” the form. The being’s existence predates, and is independent of the conception and gestation of the fetus. The being is neither a “fragment,” nor property of its parents. It is a whole unto itself and requires the physical body only for the purposes of interacting with other “physically aspected” human beings on Earth.

Where do we “live” when we do not have an active physical aspect is a good question. Given that there is nothing about the universe that we can observe in real time, it is hard to even venture a guess. To illustrate my point, consider the fact that, at 186,200 miles per second it takes approximately 8.3 minutes for light to travel the 93 million miles from the sun. Therefore, what we see of the sun at any given moment is as it existed 8.3 minutes ago. Due to the laws that govern the space/time continuum, we cannot see the sun’s actual state while we are “in” space/time.

Carrying the example a step further, when we witness a supernova phenomenon in space—the birth of a star that is twenty-five million “light years” away—we are witnessing in our time the light wave images of an event that actually occurred twenty-five million years ago. Depending on its relative position and the rate of speed that light travels over a given distance, someone on Jupiter would not be able to see the event for several minutes or hours more.

Truth is, we don’t really know what is going on in the universe right now. We only know that which is going on right “here.” And here is where we can do the most good now. But to speculate a bit further, the world in which non-physical beings live would likely be a dimension that is not “constrained” by time in the way that the dimensional world, in which Earth and our solar system exists, is.

Why would anyone wish to come to Earth and face the horrors of death, hatred, bigotry and war? Perhaps because there are also many joys and pleasures to be gained: of discovery, creation, ingenuity, industry, balance, healing, forgiveness, and expansion of consciousness. In another essay, titled Enter the Creator: Seeing Ourselves as Causes Instead of ‘Effects’, I suggested that humans could be viewed as creators. We are unique on earth in the power that is naturally bestowed upon us to consciously create.

The Earth itself could simply be a “created world” where spirits can hone their skills and abilities of creation, and cooperation. When you see the beauty and elegance of the Earth’s system design, it’s not a far-fetched idea. Whether there is a Creator of the Earth, or the solar system, and so on, is another good question. Whatever the force is, it’s damn good.

Nonetheless, as each human being, or spirit becomes more adept at the art of experiential creation within the relatively limited confines of Earth—which ingeniously limits the collateral damage of social dementia, each will gain greater integration with their Spirit our Soul essence. To practice doing so, we can endeavor to create our visions of the heavens on Earth. This requires that our dreams be wonderful, harmless to others, and profound.

Starting from “scratch,” devoid at one point of knowledge and even consciousness, and cloaked so deeply in fear, tribalism, superstition, and enmity, look what we have done. The technology that allows me to posit these ideas in the morning and make them available to the world before noon is the product of wonderfully profound dreams that many people have shared, and effectively put together to form the current reality. Some will complain that the world is not perfect, that evil, unfairness, and injustice persist. I couldn’t agree more. However, I don’t believe “perfection,” in the way we tend to see things from a dualistic perspective, is possible, desirable, or the goal. I believe that the real prize that we can gain from our earthly travels is ever expanding awareness made possible through the process of realization, ingenuity, synthesis (i.e., oneness) and transformation. These treasures only result from intelligent interaction, and not actions of the fearful kind.

Though it may be frightening or disturbing, we do not consider it evil when a lion preys on a gazelle. Instead, we see such predator and prey relationships as the work of Nature in its infinite balance and wisdom. Only we are capable of judging a behavior as “evil” or “good.” To the rest of nature, isness prevails.

As our awareness expands, we learn that all forces that we set into motion will run their course, and eventually “return” to us, their creators, delivered as it were, on the wings of our intent. This understanding alone is likely to be enough to deter most rational people from setting into motion experiences that they themselves do not wish to be on the receiving end of.

Some people won’t “get” the point that I’m trying to make here. Others won’t care, or may find that these ideas clash with their existing beliefs. Without a change of mind, they will remain on the same experiential merry-go-round—in this dimension or somewhere else—until they are willing to see things another way. If life is going just perfectly, then no change is warranted. But if it is not…

Believing myself to be more so a member of a universe “community” rather than of a particular racial, cultural or ethnic one, the concept of reincarnation doesn’t hold much interest for me on its own. If you know the physical form does not define your “being,” then why would you ever want to return to earth over and over again? Yet, it is logical to me that people who have established a profound belief in one’s cyclical return to earth might not consider that other options might be available. It’s the “if it’s not ‘written’ it can’t be true” syndrome at work.
It is written… “As above, so below,” or so the ancient wisdom goes. In its rich diversity, the earth is a microcosmic reflection of a far more vast and diverse universe, which is teaming with billions of suns that support planetary systems such as our own. Logic suggests that the universe should be teaming with life. But there is nothing to suggest that said life must be on the same perceptual “frequency” as ours. It need not even exist on planets or stars. Entire realities or parallel systems may even exist on the other side of “black holes,” or interpenetrate our livingrooms right now. Perhaps the issue is that many forms of extraterrestrial life are simply beyond our vibratory and dimensional “field of view.” But we are capable of asking enough reasonable questions, and we have enough confirmed answers, not to take any proclaimed “absolute truth” sitting down.

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0 Thoughts to “Thoughts on Reality Creation: Beyond Physicality”

  1. Dax

    I loved your website and the website post on Thoughts on Reality Creation: Beyond Physicality!!!
    It just shows that you are a beautiful person indeed!
    I hope that your feelings of love, peace and beauty do in turn infect the world.


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