Toys of the Creator-Being: Choices, Beliefs, Attitudes, Behavior

The Unified Field (God) as Our Creative Oyster

Cathedral Rock, Sedona, Arizona

Are you in believing place where you think a catastrophic illness is going to befall you? One doesn’t have to be “old” to harbor such feelings. Growing numbers of children are contracting autism syndrome, diabetese, cancer and other chronic illnesses early in life, and apparently healthy young adults are dropping like flies from heart failure and any number of other diseases. Cancer is believed to be inevitable in many circles (just “ask your doctor”). If you believe that these conditions will eventually become your yoke to bear, then you are preparing yourself now for these things to happen in your life. This we do, courtesy of our innate power of visualization, which is the organizing force of our imagination.

We generally make light of it, but our imagination is extremely powerful, because we are extremely powerful. Each human being is a power center. However, most of us avoid it like the plague. Nonetheless, we are each imbued with the ability to conceive, and achieve remarkable accomplishments. Those who do are labeled “gifted” while those who don’t are labeled, “normal.” Truth is the gifted are normal, and the “normal” are simply concealing, fearing, or refusing to reveal and exercise their gifts.

Many who have been steeped in the dictum, “I am weak, but He is strong”, may think the suggestion that we are powerful beings is absurd, if not blasphemous or delusional. I would suggest, on the other hand, that we are using great amounts of power to mask it so as to appear “weak” and humble. All of these actions flow from our imaginings about how life is supposed to “be,” and the role that we are supposed to take in the unfolding of our life.

Fact is, many people believe that we have no role in the unfolding of our life; that life simply “happens” to us. The opposite is true. We play an absolutely central role in the unfolding of our life. In essence, we happen to life, not the other way around. We happen to life, because we happen to live, and be living beings. By being, and being alive, we are in a constant state of happening. Whether we’re loving life or not, is absolutely up to us, with peripheral support from those who we journey with. We journey the lives and the loves, that we imagine.

Imagination and imaginings come from a common root: imaging. As we image, we create. As we create, we image. We picture ideas, events, people, and experiences in our mind, then some of them will come into being. All of them exist in full, the moment they are imagined, but time and space work as benign buffers to allow said experiences to unfold, even dreadful ones, in the highest and best way for all.

Add a dash of desire or dread, throw in some acceptance or resistance, wrap it all up in love or fear, and what you have is an experiential cocktail. Instead of taking it in to you, you energetically send it into the Loving Allness (a.k.a., Universe, Unified Field, the Creator, Allah, God), which “reads” the vibrational signature and strength of our imaginings, and brings the imaginings of compatible and synchronic individuals and places together. Others are affected to the degree of their common vibrational resonance with you or me.

If we are in the presence of, and interacting with another; no matter who they are, or what we are doing, it is because we have collectively imagined each other, or the setting or the situation we find ourselves in. And there may be a clue — at least for me — in the last sentence. We find ourselves in the experiences that we create. We discover, and then define who we are. We also give ourselves the opportunity to create ourselves anew, especially in situational adversity. Thusly, our experiences are created. Having the experience is the ultimate proof of its validity.

In other words, others are drawn to you (and me) through our imaginings, and the conviction (or stubbornness) with which we create them. If we imagine fearful or dreadful events and experiences, then we will draw them into being, to us. We believe them into existence. However, if we imagine and/or believe an experience for someone else, we create it for ourself. Note that I put no judgment or qualifier on the type of experience we might imagine, for it doesn’t matter. The Universe is neutral with respect to what we experience. How else could we have battled and feuded for so long if there was an intervening “judge” of proper and improper human behavior? All behavior is acceptable, and all will have repercussions, which will be expressed in terms of the harmonics that flow from them, as opposed to the punishment or reward.

Choices, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors represent the toys that Creator-Beings, as “you” and “me” use to express themselves within the Unified Field. Expression and existence are outgrowths and effects of individualization of our consciousness. We become as “Units” of The Field (God), unaware of the whole, yet still integral parts thereof, still able to imagine, and still very powerful, more than we know.

Existence refers to the externalization or immergence from an internal, implicit space, of thought and energy that began as an inner process. When we don’t “exist,” we are simply The Oneness, a.k.a., Loving Allness. We are The Field.

No one else can see our imaginings when they first come upon us. They exist in the mind, which includes and encompasses all externalized effects, and all internal imaginings. When we imagine ourselves to be separate, different, and “better” or “worse” than others, then the perception is created and becomes an apparent fact that we live by, unquestionably.

When we imagine ourselves as susceptible to illness and disease, we create the opening within our beingness to make it so, for us.

The salient point to reflect on is that once we have succeeded in creating illness for ourself, we likewise have the power to replace it with health and wellness. How? By imagining it for ourself, as who we are, and embracing it, secure in the awareness that at that very moment it is so. Doing so will mark the exact moment that our future will have been changed, and a new set of people, experiences, and places will come to us through the auspices of mutual attraction.

This is how things are done, whether we know it, believe it, or not. However, when belief evolves into knowing of our imaginative and creative power, and we choose to use it with love, we are then poised to take quantum leaps in experiences, making not only the world our oyster, but the Universe Itself.

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