I Have a Dream, and I'm Tellin': What's Yours?

Plateau near Lake Powell, north of Page, Arizona.

I have a dream.

No, not Martin Luther King’s dream (although I resonate with his fully). I have a dream… my own.

I’ll tell you mine. Will you tell me yours?

You have a dream. We all do. But will we tell ourselves what it is? Will we share our dream others?

Guess what? Our dreams… I mean the ones we really care about; the ones that make us smile even in the mere thinking and feeling of their unfolding, don’t have even half a chance of coming into fruition unless and until (1) we’re willing to express it to ourselves, thereby creating a “vibe” for its experiential formation, (2) express it to others, thereby creating the actual experiences, and (3) living it into existence and experience. You could say it’s “as easy as 1, 2, 3,” but there are many that would disagree.

I’ve always been a dreamer; but then, we all are. The difference is that we don’t always believe in our dreams. And when we don’t, they remain unrealized. They live, but not here, not now, not for us… not unless and until we believe in them, and thereby give them our own energy, power, and life.

In essence, when we give our dreams us — our intelligence, creativity, enthusiasm, determination, passion, and faith — we receive energy and inspiration from them. We become one with them, in the Here and Now. Others are energized and inspired through us. They will act positively, in accordance with, and as reflections of, our positive action. They will believe as we believe.

If the people in our immediate sphere don’t resonate with our dream, and we are in complete harmony with the vision and feel of it, then they will grow distant and fall away. That’s okay, because it makes room for those who are in harmonic resonance, and who will be instrumental in sharing, amplifying, and expanding our dream.

I have a dream.

Are you wondering what it is? Do you think I’m going to go through all this rhetoric just to keep you reading, and then not tell you? That wouldn’t be nice.

My dream is to help people discover, see, embrace, express, believe in, and then live, their highest, most wonderful dream! Why? Because if they do, they will live happy, healthy, loving lives. Whether they have money or not, they will be wealthy beyond measure. They will be at peace, as such, they will be ambassadors of peace. They will be able to give to those who have not yet figured out that they don’t have to take from others in order to have. And in fact, taking from anothers does not bestow upon a person what they think they want or need. That gift only comes from within.

Someone who thinks they want money enough to take from another, will never satisfy their need, even if they appear to succeed. Our greatest need is (1) to know who we are, (2) love who we are, and (3) create our life experiences (our dreams) from a knowing, loving place.

My dream is knowing who I am, loving who I am, and creating my life from that knowing, loving place.

Do you think that’s really abstract, and has nothing to do with reality? Do you think that dreams are about being doctors and lawyers, plumbers and carpenters, cops and robbers, or millionnaires and billionaires? Perhaps. But goals such as these are appearance focused, and will do little to influence our inner experience, which is our real reality.

A doctor, whose charter is to facilitate health and healing, can find herself racked with any number of diseases, for which they believe is no cure. Cancer, stroke, heart attack, Alzheimer’s, and more, all include significant numbers of doctors among their victims.

No one will claim that being a victim is their dream, but being a victim is often the result of not discovering, embracing, believing in, and giving life to one’s real dream.

Our health, as well as our wealth, is a function of our attitudes about who we are and what we’re here to do. It is also a function of how we (1) judge ourself, and (2) judge others. We put ourselves down so often and without thinking, or challenging the put down, that it is no wonder that our highest dreams don’t take flight, and we travel the slippery slope to victimhood.

When you know who you are, and love who you are, you’ll find yourself able to transcend, with grace, even the most uncomfortable conditions.

I have a dream that I will be able to do such things. I am discovering that I can… I am able to do such things. I am able to be calm while others around me are up in arms, peaceful while others are on the warpath, inspired while others have no idea which way to go, and divinely guided when my mind is unsure.

I am human, but every trait that I describe is standard equipment for us all. We are using our natural abilities to create every moment, whether it is with the knowing that I describe, or not.

The good news is that the knowing is available to all.

I have a dream that you get to know and love, You.

Will you tell me your dream?

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