It's Like Pulling a Rabbit Out of Your Hat

Yeah, that’s right. In my dreams.

I’ve been wading through blogs, slogs, and clogs (in my brain), looking for, and finding a place to present myself; my ideas.

My head is aching. 

I must be pretty damn full of myself to think anyone gives a crap for what I may have to say.


I may indeed be full of myself, but getting to this place, and typing these words, didn’t feel like magic. More like I was wearing a lead sombrero.

But enough of that. I’m glad I’m here, really.

So the question is, why am I here? What do I have to say that hasn’t been said before? (I’m not sure that the second one is the question, but I was on a role.)

Everyone has an opinion about how messed up things are, and where we’re going in a handbasket. Much of it we’ve heard before. You’ve got to be a member of the “right” group, else there’ll be hell to pay.

Well you can relax about one thing; whatever “group” you’re in is okay by me. I can’t change you, and don’t want to. If you think our “time is running out” and the world is gonna end; okay.

If you believe that life sucks, I won’t argue with you (although I don’t agree with you). If you think that people won’t change, can’t be trusted, or that we are mere pawns in a bigger game in a world controlled by a select few, I’ll disagree with you there too.

I believe we’re creators of our life experiences and the dramas and relationships we play out each day. We’re choosers of our personal destinies.

I could be wrong, but I also believe that the belief stated previously is not apparent to most people, so it would not be unusual if some people disagreed with me. But if you’re willing to dialogue instead of argue, perhaps we can have some interesting exchanges.

I’m not the religious type… not that I don’t believe in religion, just don’t need to believe in one in order to feel connected to, and one with The Source. There are great lessons that can be learned within a religious community; as well as great manipulation. The lessons, however, can be learned whether one is withing a religious fold, or outside of one.

From first breath to last, we are human beings. That qualifies us for all the spiritual perks that many would have you go to hell for if you didn’t agree with their particular religious way. 

We tend not to question, or think about who and what we are; what it means to be human, and how does that play into the world of spirituality and belief. I think about such things, and in so doing, I have received some pretty wonderful insights, although some may consider them scarry. But that’s all right too.

I’m a blogger now; and all is right with the world.

The ache that weigned on my head when I started this post, just went away.

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